Gadi Shaulsky
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Determination and inference of eukaryotic transcription factor sequence specificity
MT Weirauch, A Yang, M Albu, AG Cote, A Montenegro-Montero, P Drewe, ...
Cell 158 (6), 1431-1443, 2014
The genome of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum
L Eichinger, JA Pachebat, G Glöckner, MA Rajandream, R Sucgang, ...
Nature 435 (7038), 43-57, 2005
Nuclear accumulation of p53 protein is mediated by several nuclear localization signals and plays a role in tumorigenesis
G Shaulsky, N Goldfinger, A Ben-Ze’Ev, V Rotter
Molecular and cellular biology 10 (12), 6565-6577, 1990
Meth A fibrosarcoma cells express two transforming mutant p53 species.
D Eliyahu, N Goldfinger, O Pinhasi-Kimhi, G Shaulsky, Y Skurnik, N Arai, ...
Oncogene 3 (3), 313-321, 1988
Pleiotropy as a mechanism to stabilize cooperation
KR Foster, G Shaulsky, JE Strassmann, DC Queller, CRL Thompson
Nature 431 (7009), 693-696, 2004
A rapid and efficient method to generate multiple gene disruptions in Dictyostelium discoideum using a single selectable marker and the Cre-loxP system
J Faix, L Kreppel, G Shaulsky, M Schleicher, AR Kimmel
Nucleic acids research 32 (19), e143-e143, 2004
Nuclear localization is essential for the activity of p53 protein.
G Shaulsky, N Goldfinger, MS Tosky, AJ Levine, V Rotter
Oncogene 6 (11), 2055-2065, 1991
Subcellular distribution of the p53 protein during the cell cycle of Balb/c 3T3 cells.
G Shaulsky, A Ben-Ze'ev, V Rotter
Oncogene 5 (11), 1707-1711, 1990
Involvement of wild-type p53 in pre-B-cell differentiation in vitro.
G Shaulsky, N Goldfinger, A Peled, V Rotter
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 88 (20), 8982-8986, 1991
Histidine kinases in signal transduction pathways of eukaryotes
WF Loomis, G Shaulsky, N Wang
Journal of cell science 110 (10), 1141-1145, 1997
Conserved developmental transcriptomes in evolutionarily divergent species
A Parikh, ER Miranda, M Katoh-Kurasawa, D Fuller, G Rot, L Zagar, ...
Genome biology 11, 1-12, 2010
A MAP kinase necessary for receptor-mediated activation of adenylyl cyclase in Dictyostelium.
JE Segall, A Kuspa, G Shaulsky, M Ecke, M Maeda, C Gaskins, RA Firtel, ...
The Journal of cell biology 128 (3), 405-413, 1995
Microarray data mining with visual programming
T Curk, J Demsar, Q Xu, G Leban, U Petrovic, I Bratko, G Shaulsky, ...
Bioinformatics 21 (3), 396-398, 2005
CRAC, a cytosolic protein containing a pleckstrin homology domain, is required for receptor and G protein-mediated activation of adenylyl cyclase in Dictyostelium.
R Insall, A Kuspa, PJ Lilly, G Shaulsky, LR Levin, WF Loomis, ...
The Journal of cell biology 126 (6), 1537-1545, 1994
Periodic signaling controlled by an oscillatory circuit that includes protein kinases ERK2 and PKA
M Maeda, S Lu, G Shaulsky, Y Miyazaki, H Kuwayama, Y Tanaka, ...
Science 304 (5672), 875-878, 2004
Developmental signal transduction pathways uncovered by genetic suppressors
G Shaulsky, R Escalante, WF Loomis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (26), 15260-15265, 1996
A cAMP-phosphodiesterase controls PKA-dependent differentiation
G Shaulsky, D Fuller, WF Loomis
Development 125 (4), 691-699, 1998
Alterations in Tumor Development in Vivo Mediated by Expression of Wild Type or Mutant p53 Proteins
G Shaulsky, N Goldfinger, V Rotter
Cancer research 51 (19), 5232-5237, 1991
Kin preference in a social microbe
NJ Mehdiabadi, CN Jack, TT Farnham, TG Platt, SE Kalla, G Shaulsky, ...
Nature 442 (7105), 881-882, 2006
Comparative genomics of the social amoebae Dictyostelium discoideum and Dictyostelium purpureum
R Sucgang, A Kuo, X Tian, W Salerno, A Parikh, CL Feasley, E Dalin, ...
Genome biology 12, 1-23, 2011
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