Christian Jarvers
Christian Jarvers
Institut für Neuroinformatik, Universität Ulm
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Fully convolutional region proposal networks for multispectral person detection
D Konig, M Adam, C Jarvers, G Layher, H Neumann, M Teutsch
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Local temporal bilinear pooling for fine-grained action parsing
Y Zhang, S Tang, K Muandet, C Jarvers, H Neumann
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Reversal learning in humans and gerbils: Dynamic control network facilitates learning
C Jarvers, T Brosch, A Brechmann, ML Woldeit, AL Schulz, FW Ohl, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 10, 535, 2016
Convolutional transformer fusion blocks for multi-modal gesture recognition
B Hampiholi, C Jarvers, W Mader, H Neumann
IEEE Access 11, 34094-34103, 2023
Complex neuron dynamics on the IBM TrueNorth neurosynaptic system
MPR Löhr, C Jarvers, H Neumann
2020 2nd IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits …, 2020
A bio-inspired model of sound source localization on neuromorphic hardware
T Oess, M Löhr, C Jarvers, D Schmid, H Neumann
2020 2nd IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits …, 2020
Depthwise separable temporal convolutional network for action segmentation
B Hampiholi, C Jarvers, W Mader, H Neumann
2020 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 633-641, 2020
The role of bottom-up and top-down cortical interactions in adaptation to natural scene statistics
SW Habtegiorgis, C Jarvers, K Rifai, H Neumann, S Wahl
Frontiers in Neural Circuits 13, 9, 2019
Incorporating feedback in convolutional neural networks
C Jarvers, H Neumann
Proceedings of the Cognitive Computational Neuroscience Conference, 395-398, 2019
Canonical circuit computations for computer vision
D Schmid, C Jarvers, H Neumann
Biological Cybernetics 117 (4), 299-329, 2023
Shape-selective processing in deep networks: integrating the evidence on perceptual integration
C Jarvers, H Neumann
Frontiers in Computer Science 5, 1113609, 2023
The Alexithymia Questionnaire for Children–German version (AQC-G)
I Jarvers, A Ecker, D Schleicher, A Otto, C Jarvers
PsyArXiv, 2022
Teaching deep networks to see shape: Lessons from a simplified visual world
C Jarvers, H Neumann
PLOS Computational Biology 20 (11), e1012019, 2024
Learning visual contour tracing in a deep recurrent network based on a cortical columnar architecture
D Schmid, C Jarvers, H Neumann
Journal of Vision 20 (11), 1216-1216, 2020
A compartmental model of feedback modulation in visual cortex
C Jarvers, H Neumann
Journal of Vision 19 (10), 108d-108d, 2019
Temporal Learning of Dynamics in Complex Neuron Models using Backpropagation
C Jarvers, D Schmid, H Neumann
2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2019
Model investigation on contribution of feedback in distortion induced motion adaptation
S Wahl, S Habtegiorgis, C Jarvers, K Rifai, H Neumann
Adaptive dynamic network architectures for companion systems
C Jarvers, H Neumann
2017 International Conference on Companion Technology (ICCT), 1-6, 2017
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