Jacqueline Pike
Jacqueline Pike
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Don't look now, but we've created a bureaucracy: the nature and roles of policies and rules in wikipedia
B Butler, E Joyce, J Pike
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2008
To disclose or not: Publicness in social networking sites
PJ Bateman, JC Pike, BS Butler
Information Technology & People, 2011
Arguing the value of virtual worlds: Patterns of discursive sensemaking of an innovative technology
N Berente, S Hansen, JC Pike, PJ Bateman
Mis Quarterly, 685-709, 2011
Rules and roles vs. consensus: Self-governed deliberative mass collaboration bureaucracies
E Joyce, JC Pike, BS Butler
American Behavioral Scientist 57 (5), 576-594, 2013
Dialectic tensions of information quality: Social networking sites and hiring
JC Pike, PJ Bateman, B Butler
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 19 (1), 56-77, 2013
Information from social networking sites: C ontext collapse and ambiguity in the hiring process
JC Pike, PJ Bateman, BS Butler
Information Systems Journal 28 (4), 729-758, 2018
I didn't know you could see that: The effect of social networking environment characteristics on publicness and self-disclosure
JC Pike, PJ Bateman, BS Butler
AMCIS 2009 proceedings, 421, 2009
Handling flammable materials: Wikipedia biographies of living persons as contentious objects
E Joyce, B Butler, J Pike
Proceedings of the 2011 iConference, 25-32, 2011
Time for a Post-Mortem?: Business Professionals
PJ Bateman, JC Pike, N Berente, S Hansen
Journal For Virtual Worlds Research 5 (3), 2012
The impact of boundary-blurring social networking sites: Self-presentation, impression formation, and publicness
JC Pike
University of Pittsburgh, 2011
You Saw THAT?: Social networking sites, self-presentation, and impression formation in the hiring process
J Pike, P Bateman, B Butler
Growing local food systems: information technology use and impacts in geographically-embedded markets
BS Butler, C Ridings, JC Pike
Role-Playing and Problem-Based Learning
JC Pike, W Spangler, V Williams, R Kollar
Information Systems Education Journal 15 (4), 75, 2017
Productivity and Play in Organizations: Executive perspectives on the real-world organizational value of immersive virtual environments
S Hansen, N Berente, J Pike, PJ Bateman
Artifact: Journal of Design Practice 2 (2), 69-81, 2008
Keeping eyes on the prize: Officially sanctioned rule breaking in mass collaboration systems
EW Joyce, JC Pike, B Butler
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work …, 2013
Business Information Systems: design an app for that
R Frost, J Pike, L Kenyo, S Pels
Saylor Foundation, 2011
A revolutionary approach to introductory MIS: Professional, project Based, decision Focused, visual and engaging
RD Frost, JC Pike
Issues in Information Systems 5 (2), 454-460, 2004
Generating student interest in the information systems major: A strategic framework for the introductory course
R Frost, J Pike, L Kenyo
Issues in Information Systems 9 (1), 188-195, 2008
Does our web site stress you out
D Galletta, R Chung, M Haney, JC Pike, P Polak
Proceedings of the international conference on information systems, 2007
Overcoming transience and flux: routines in community-governed mass collaborations
JC Pike, EW Joyce, BS Butler
Information Technology & People 30 (2), 449-472, 2017
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