Jean-Pierre Brancher
Jean-Pierre Brancher
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Cited by
Optimal rotary control of the cylinder wake using proper orthogonal decomposition reduced-order model
M Bergmann, L Cordier, JP Brancher
Physics of fluids 17 (9), 2005
Delaying transition to turbulence in channel flow: revisiting the stability of shear-thinning fluids
C Nouar, A Bottaro, JP Brancher
Journal of fluid mechanics 592, 177-194, 2007
The shape of a magnetic liquid drop
OE Sero-Guillaume, D Zouaoui, D Bernardin, JP Brancher
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 241, 215-232, 1992
Asymptotic study and weakly nonlinear analysis at the onset of Rayleigh–Bénard convection in Hele–Shaw cell
S Aniss, M Souhar, JP Brancher
Physics of Fluids 7 (5), 926-934, 1995
Linear stability involving the Bingham model when the yield stress approaches zero
C Metivier, C Nouar, JP Brancher
Physics of fluids 17 (10), 2005
Equilibrium of a magnetic liquid drop
JP Brancher, D Zouaoui
Journal of magnetism and Magnetic Materials 65 (2-3), 311-314, 1987
Drag minimization of the cylinder wake by trust-region proper orthogonal decomposition
M Bergmann, L Cordier, JP Brancher
Active Flow Control: Papers contributed to the Conference “Active Flow …, 2007
On the generation of a reverse Von Kármán street for the controlled cylinder wake in the laminar regime
M Bergmann, L Cordier, JP Brancher
Physics of Fluids 18 (2), 2006
Sur l'équilibre des liquides magnétiques, application à la magnétostatique
JP Brancher, G OS
Thermal convection in a magnetic fluid in an annular Hele-Shaw cell
S Aniss, JP Brancher, M Souhar
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 122 (1-3), 319-322, 1993
Modelling of coupled phenomena in electromagnetic levitation
A Gagnoud, J Brancher
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 21 (6), 2424-2427, 1985
Étude de la déformation d'un liquide magnétique
JP Brancher, OS Guillaume
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 90, 57-85, 1985
Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a magnetic fluid in an annular Hele-Shaw cell
M Souhar, S Aniss, JP Brancher
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 42 (1), 61-72, 1999
Weakly nonlinear dynamics of thermoconvective instability involving viscoplastic fluids
C Metivier, C Nouar, JP Brancher
Journal of fluid mechanics 660, 316-353, 2010
Note on chaotic advection in an oscillating drop
JR Angilella, JP Brancher
Physics of Fluids 15 (1), 261-264, 2003
Asymptotic expansions of the Biot-Savart law for a slender vortex with core variation
D Margerit, JP Brancher
Journal of engineering mathematics 40 (3), 297-313, 2001
The inverse shaping problem
TP Felici, JP Brancher
European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids 10 (5), 501-512, 1991
Formage d'une lame
JP Brancher, J Etay, O Sero-Guillaume
JMTA 2 (6), 976-989, 1983
Formage d'une lame métallique liquide. Calculs et expériences
JP Brancher, J Etay, O Séro-Guillaume
Journal de mécanique théorique et appliquée 2 (6), 977-989, 1983
Laminar-turbulent transition in Taylor-Dean flow
AA Aider, S Skali, JP Brancher
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 14 (1), 118, 2005
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Articles 1–20