Xinlei Wang
Xinlei Wang
Jenkins-Garrett Professor of Statistics and Data Science, University of Texas at Arlington
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A comparison of machine learning techniques for phishing detection
S Abu-Nimeh, D Nappa, X Wang, S Nair
Proceedings of the anti-phishing working groups 2nd annual eCrime …, 2007
An empirical approach leveraging tumorgrafts to dissect the tumor microenvironment in renal cell carcinoma identifies missing link to prognostic inflammatory factors
T Wang, R Lu, P Kapur, BS Jaiswal, R Hannan, Z Zhang, I Pedrosa, ...
Cancer discovery 8 (9), 1142-1155, 2018
Enhanced construction of gene regulatory networks using hub gene information
D Yu, J Lim, X Wang, F Liang, G Xiao
BMC bioinformatics 18, 1-20, 2017
Statistical methods of background correction for Illumina BeadArray data
Y Xie, X Wang, M Story
Bioinformatics 25 (6), 751-757, 2009
A comparative study of rank aggregation methods for partial and top ranked lists in genomic applications
X Li, X Wang, G Xiao
Briefings in bioinformatics 20 (1), 178-189, 2019
Mapping the Functional Landscape of T Cell Receptor Repertoires by Single-T Cell Transcriptomics
Z Ze, D Xiong, X Wang, H Liu, T Wang
Nature Methods 18, 92--99, 2021
UMAP as Dimensionality Reduction Tool for Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Biomacromolecules: A Comparison study
F Trozzi, X Wang, P Tao
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 125 (19), 5022–5034, 2021
Using ranked set sampling with cluster randomized designs for improved inference on treatment effects
X Wang, J Lim, L Stokes
Journal of the American Statistical Association 111 (516), 1576-1590, 2016
Managing supply uncertainties through Bayesian information update
M Chen, Y Xia, X Wang
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 7 (1), 24-36, 2009
A nonparametric mean estimator for judgment poststratified data
X Wang, J Lim, L Stokes
Biometrics 64 (2), 355-363, 2008
Concomitants of multivariate order statistics with application to judgment poststratification
X Wang, L Stokes, J Lim, M Chen
Journal of the American Statistical Association 101 (476), 1693-1704, 2006
Adaptive Bayesian criteria in variable selection for generalized linear models
X Wang, EI George
Statistica Sinica, 667-690, 2007
Bayesian additive regression trees-based spam detection for enhanced email privacy
S Abu-Nimeh, D Nappa, X Wang, S Nair
2008 Third International Conference on Availability, Reliability and …, 2008
Isotonized CDF estimation from judgment poststratification data with empty strata
X Wang, K Wang, J Lim
Biometrics 68 (1), 194-202, 2012
Estimation of population proportion for judgment post-stratification
E Zamanzade, X Wang
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 112, 257-269, 2017
PBNPA: a Permutation Based Non-parametric Analysis of CRISPR Screen Data
G Jia, X Wang, G and Xiao
BMC Genomics 18 (545), 2017
A powerful Bayesian meta-analysis method to integrate multiple gene set enrichment studies
M Chen, M Zang, X Wang, G Xiao
Bioinformatics 29 (7), 862-869, 2013
Identifying CDKN3 gene expression as a prognostic biomarker in lung adenocarcinoma via meta-analysis
X Zang, M Chen, Y Zhou, G Xiao, Y Xie, X Wang
Cancer informatics 14, CIN. S17287, 2015
A Bayesian hidden Potts mixture model for analyzing lung cancer pathology images
Q Li, X Wang, F Liang, F Yi, Y Xie, A Gazdar, G Xiao
Biostatistics 20 (4), 565–581, 2019
Distributed phishing detection by applying variable selection using Bayesian additive regression trees
S Abu-Nimeh, D Nappa, X Wang, S Nair
2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-5, 2009
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