Christoph Kleinschmitt
Christoph Kleinschmitt
Fraunhofer ISI
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Monitoring single-cell bioenergetics via the coarsening of emulsion droplets
L Boitard, D Cottinet, C Kleinschmitt, N Bremond, J Baudry, G Yvert, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (19), 7181-7186, 2012
Sensitivity of the radiative forcing by stratospheric sulfur geoengineering to the amount and strategy of the injection studied with the LMDZ-S3A model
C Kleinschmitt, O Boucher, U Platt
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (4), 2769-2786, 2018
The role of hydrogen in a greenhouse gas-neutral energy supply system in Germany
B Lux, G Deac, CP Kiefer, C Kleinschmitt, C Bernath, K Franke, B Pfluger, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 270, 116188, 2022
Factors affecting the calculation of wind power potentials: A case study of China
K Franke, F Sensfuß, G Deac, C Kleinschmitt, M Ragwitz
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149, 111351, 2021
Langfristszenarien für die Transformation des Energiesystems in Deutschland 3
F Sensfuß, B Lux, C Bernath, C Kiefer, B Pfluger, C Kleinschmitt, K Franke, ...
Potentiale der Windenergie auf See Datensatz 127, 2021
Quasi‐additivity of the radiative effects of marine cloud brightening and stratospheric sulfate aerosol injection
O Boucher, C Kleinschmitt, G Myhre
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (21), 11,158-11,165, 2017
The Sectional Stratospheric Sulfate Aerosol module (S3A-v1) within the LMDZ general circulation model: description and evaluation against stratospheric aerosol observations
C Kleinschmitt, O Boucher, S Bekki, F Lott, U Platt
Geoscientific Model Development 10 (9), 3359-3378, 2017
Import von Wasserstoff und Wasserstoffderivaten: von Kosten zu Preisen
M Wietschel, N Pieton, C Nolden, B Pfluger, Z Thiel, A Löschel
Fraunhofer-Institut für System-und Innovationsforschung ISI, 2021
Assessing worldwide future potentials of renewable electricity generation: installable capacity, full load hours and costs
K Franke, JF Garcia, C Kleinschmitt, F Sensfuß
Renewable Energy 226, 120376, 2024
Importing hydrogen and hydrogen de-rivatives: Export countries
B Breitschopf, J Thomann, JF Garcia, C Kleinschmitt, T Hettesheimer, ...
Notes, 2022
Deep decarbonization of the European power sector calls for dispatchable CSP
G Resch, F Schöniger, C Kleinschmitt, K Franke, R Thonig, J Lilliestam
AIP conference proceedings 2445 (1), 2022
Global potential of renewable energy sources
C Kleinschmitt, J Fragoso Garcia, K Franke, D Teza, L Seidel, A Ebner, ...
Langfristszenarien 3
F Sensfuß, C Kiefer, G Deac, C Kleinschmitt, W Männer
Langfristszenarien für die Transformation des Energiesystems in Deutschland 3: Kurzbericht: 3 Hauptszenarien
F Sensfuß, B Lux, C Bernath, CP Kiefer, B Pfluger, C Kleinschmitt, ...
Fraunhofer-Institut für System-und Innovationsforschung ISI, 2021
D7. 8: Summary report-Energy Systems: Supply Perspective
F Sensfuß, C Bernath, C Kleinschmitt, G Resch, J Geipel, A Hiesl, ...
SET-Nav Project, 2019
Export potentials of green hydrogen. Methodology for a techno-economic assessment
N Pieton, H Abdel-Khalek, M Graf
Import von Wasserstoff und Wasserstoffderivaten: Exportländer
B Breitschopf, J Thomann, J Fragoso, C Kleinschmitt, T Hettesheimer, ...
Fraunhofer ISI, 2022
Krieg in der Ukraine: Auswirkungen auf die europäische und deutsche Importstrategie von Wasserstoff und Syntheseprodukten. Impulspapier
M Wietschel, F Roth, J Fragoso García, A Herbst, C Kleinschmitt, ...
Fraunhofer ISI, 2022
Global optimization of capacity ratios between electrolyser and renewable electricity source to minimize levelized cost of green hydrogen
F Mendler, JF Garcia, C Kleinschmitt, C Voglstätter
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 82, 986-993, 2024
The Need for Dispatchable RES: A Closer Look at the Future Role of CSP in Europe
F Schöniger, G Resch, C Kleinschmitt, K Franke, R Thonig, J Lilliestam
Renewable Energy Based Solutions, 219-239, 2022
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