Dr. Dewan Md Zahuru Islam PhD, FCILT, FHEA
Dr. Dewan Md Zahuru Islam PhD, FCILT, FHEA
Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Newcastle Business School at Northumbria University
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Zitiert von
Consumer adoption of online food delivery ordering (OFDO) services in Pakistan: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic situation
S Ali, N Khalid, HMU Javed, DMZ Islam
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 7 (1), 10, 2020
Logistics and supply chain management
DMZ Islam, JF Meier, PT Aditjandra, TH Zunder, G Pace
Research in transportation economics 41 (1), 3-16, 2013
How to make modal shift from road to rail possible in the European transport market, as aspired to in the EU Transport White Paper 2011
DMZ Islam, S Ricci, BL Nelldal
European transport research review 8, 1-14, 2016
Sentrepreneurial Training and Organizational Performance: Implications for Future
N Khalid, DMZ Islam, MRM Ahmed
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews 7 (2), 590-593, 2019
Towards supply chain integration through multimodal transport in developing economies: The case of Bangladesh
DMZ Islam, J Dinwoodie, M Roe
Maritime Economics & Logistics 7, 382-399, 2005
Performance evaluation of an online benchmarking tool for European freight transport chains
Dewan, Z Islam, TH Zunder, R Jorna
Benchmarking: An International Journal 20 (2), 233-250, 2013
Promoting development through multimodal freight transport in Bangladesh
DMZ Islam, J Dinwoodie, M Roe
Transport Reviews 26 (5), 571-591, 2006
COVID-19 and financial performance of SMEs: Examining the nexus of entrepreneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial resilience and innovative work behavior
DMZ Islam, N Khalid, E Rayeva, U Ahmed
Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica 29 (3), 587, 2020
Barriers to and enablers for European rail freight transport for integrated door-to-door logistics service. Part 1: Barriers to multimodal rail freight transport
DMZ Islam
Transport problems 9 (3), 43--56, 2014
Nexus of knowledge transfer, green innovation and environmental performance: impact of environmental management accounting
GR Zandi, N Khalid, DMZ Islam
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 9 (5), 387-393, 2019
Assessing the impact of the 2011 EU Transport White Paper-a rail freight demand forecast up to 2050 for the EU27
DMZ Islam, R Jackson, TH Zunder, A Burgess
European Transport Research Review 7, 1-9, 2015
How far has open access enabled the growth of cross border pan European rail freight? A case study
TH Zunder, DMZ Islam, PN Mortimer, PT Aditjandra
Research in Transportation Business & Management 6, 71-80, 2013
The potential of alternative rail freight transport corridors between Central Europe and China
D Islam, T Zunder, R Jackson, N Nesterova, A Burgess
Transport problems 8, 2013
Adapted cost-benefit analysis methodology for innovative railway services
G Siciliano, F Barontini, DMZ Islam, TH Zunder, S Mahler, I Grossoni
European transport research review 8, 1-14, 2016
The necessity for a new quality standard for freight transport and logistics in Europe
DMZ Islam, TH Zunder
European Transport Research Review 6, 397-410, 2014
Green rail transportation: improving rail freight to support green corridors
PT Aditjandra, TH Zunder, DMZ Islam, R Palacin
Green Transportation Logistics: The Quest for Win-Win Solutions, 413-454, 2016
Prospects for European sustainable rail freight transport during economic austerity
DMZ Islam
Benchmarking: An International Journal 25 (8), 2783-2805, 2018
Experiences of rail intermodal freight transport for low-density high value (LDHV) goods in Europe
DMZ Islam, TH Zunder
European Transport Research Review 10, 1-14, 2018
Barriers to and enablers for European rail freight transport for integrated door-to-door logistics service. Part 2: Enablers for multimodal rail freight transport
D Islam
Transport Problems 9 (4), 5--13, 2014
The future of European rail freight transport and logistics
DMZ Islam, M Blinge
European Transport Research Review 9, 1-2, 2017
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