Klemens Hammerer
Klemens Hammerer
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Quantum interface between light and atomic ensembles
K Hammerer, AS Sørensen, ES Polzik
Reviews of Modern Physics 82 (2), 1041-1093, 2010
Observation of strong coupling between a micromechanical resonator and an optical cavity field
S Gröblacher, K Hammerer, MR Vanner, M Aspelmeyer
Nature 460 (7256), 724-727, 2009
Quantum teleportation between light and matter
JF Sherson, H Krauter, RK Olsson, B Julsgaard, K Hammerer, I Cirac, ...
Nature 443 (7111), 557-560, 2006
Hybrid quantum devices and quantum engineering
M Wallquist, K Hammerer, P Rabl, M Lukin, P Zoller
Physica Scripta 2009 (T137), 014001, 2009
Quantum optomechanics—throwing a glance
M Aspelmeyer, S Gröblacher, K Hammerer, N Kiesel
JOSA B 27 (6), A189-A197, 2010
Pulsed quantum optomechanics
MR Vanner, I Pikovski, GD Cole, MS Kim, Č Brukner, K Hammerer, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (39), 16182-16187, 2011
Quantum entanglement and teleportation in pulsed cavity optomechanics
SG Hofer, W Wieczorek, M Aspelmeyer, K Hammerer
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (5), 052327, 2011
Strong coupling of a mechanical oscillator and a single atom
K Hammerer, M Wallquist, C Genes, M Ludwig, F Marquardt, P Treutlein, ...
Physical review letters 103 (6), 063005, 2009
Quantum back-action-evading measurement of motion in a negative mass reference frame
CB Møller, RA Thomas, G Vasilakis, E Zeuthen, Y Tsaturyan, M Balabas, ...
Nature 547 (7662), 191-195, 2017
Cavity-assisted squeezing of a mechanical oscillator
K Jähne, C Genes, K Hammerer, M Wallquist, ES Polzik, P Zoller
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (6), 063819, 2009
Quantum benchmark for storage and transmission of coherent states
K Hammerer, MM Wolf, ES Polzik, JI Cirac
Physical review letters 94 (15), 150503, 2005
Establishing Einstein-Poldosky-Rosen channels between nanomechanics and atomic ensembles
K Hammerer, M Aspelmeyer, ES Polzik, P Zoller
Physical review letters 102 (2), 20501, 2009
Optomechanical sensing of spontaneous wave-function collapse
S Nimmrichter, K Hornberger, K Hammerer
Physical Review Letters 113 (2), 020405, 2014
Dissipative optomechanics in a Michelson-Sagnac interferometer
A Xuereb, R Schnabel, K Hammerer
Physical review letters 107 (21), 213604, 2011
Simulating open quantum systems: from many-body interactions to stabilizer pumping
M Müller, K Hammerer, YL Zhou, CF Roos, P Zoller
New Journal of Physics 13 (8), 085007, 2011
ELGAR—a European laboratory for gravitation and atom-interferometric research
B Canuel, S Abend, P Amaro-Seoane, F Badaracco, Q Beaufils, A Bertoldi, ...
Classical and Quantum Gravity 37 (22), 225017, 2020
Quantum Signatures of the Optomechanical Instability
J Qian, AA Clerk, K Hammerer, F Marquardt
Physical Review Letters 109 (25), 253601, 2011
Dynamics of many-body photon bound states in chiral waveguide QED
S Mahmoodian, G Calajó, DE Chang, K Hammerer, AS Sørensen
Physical Review X 10 (3), 031011, 2020
Interaction cost of nonlocal gates
G Vidal, K Hammerer, JI Cirac
Physical review letters 88 (23), 237902, 2002
Sequential generation of matrix-product states in cavity QED
C Schön, K Hammerer, MM Wolf, JI Cirac, E Solano
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (3), 032311, 2007
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