Stephan Gerhard Huber
Stephan Gerhard Huber
Professor für Bildungsforschung, Pädagogische Hochschule Zug
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COVID-19 and schooling: evaluation, assessment and accountability in times of crises—reacting quickly to explore key issues for policy, practice and research with the school …
SG Huber, C Helm
Educational assessment, evaluation and accountability 32 (2), 237-270, 2020
COVID-19 und aktuelle Herausforderungen in Schule und Bildung
SG Huber, P Günther, N Schneider, C Helm, M Schwander, J Schneider, ...
School leadership and leadership development: Adjusting leadership theories and development programs to values and the core purpose of school
S Gerhard Huber
Journal of educational administration 42 (6), 669-684, 2004
Preparing school leaders for the 21st century
SG Huber
CRC Press, 2004
School leadership that makes a difference: International perspectives
P Hallinger, S Huber
School effectiveness and school improvement 23 (4), 359-367, 2012
Was wissen wir über schulische Lehr-Lern-Prozesse im Distanzunterricht während der Corona-Pandemie?–evidenz aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz
C Helm, S Huber, T Loisinger
Zeitschrift Fur Erziehungswissenschaft 24 (2), 237, 2021
School leadership effectiveness: The growing insight in the importance of school leadership for the quality and development of schools and their pupils
SG Huber, D Muijs
School leadership-international perspectives, 57-77, 2010
Developing school leaders: A critical review of current practices, approaches and issues, and some directions for the future
SG Huber, M West
Second international handbook of educational leadership and administration …, 2002
Lernen in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie. Die Rolle familiärer Merkmale für das Lernen von Schüler* innen. Befunde vom Schul-Barometer in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz
SG Huber, C Helm
//www. pedocs. de/frontdoor. php? source_opus= 20226, 37-60, 2020
Comparing effects and side effects of different school inspection systems across Europe
MCM Ehren, JE Gustafsson, H Altrichter, G Skedsmo, D Kemethofer, ...
Comparative education 51 (3), 375-400, 2015
School leadership-international perspectives
S Huber
Springer Science & Business Media, 2009
Schule gemeinsam gestalten-Entwicklung von Kompetenzen für pädagogische Führung: Beiträge zu Leadership in der Lehrerbildung
SG Huber, RB Stiftung
Waxmann Verlag, 2015
The impact of professional development: a theoretical model for empirical research, evaluation, planning and conducting training and development programmes
SG Huber
Professional development in education 37 (5), 837-853, 2011
Multiple learning approaches in the professional development of school leaders–Theoretical perspectives and empirical findings on self-assessment and feedback
SG Huber
Educational management administration & leadership 41 (4), 527-540, 2013
A decade of research on school principals
H Ärlestig, C Day, O Johansson
Studies in educational leadership 21, 2016
School development and school leader development: New learning opportunities for school leaders and their schools
SG Huber
International handbook on the preparation and development of school leaders …, 2009
Teacher evaluation—accountability and improving teaching practices
SG Huber, G Skedsmo
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability 28, 105-109, 2016
The unintended consequences of school inspection: the prevalence of inspection side-effects in Austria, the Czech Republic, England, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, and …
KL Jones, P Tymms, D Kemethofer, J O’Hara, G McNamara, S Huber, ...
Oxford Review of Education 43 (6), 805-822, 2017
Schulleitung im Wandel: Anforderungen an eine ergebnisorientierte Führungskultur
M Schratz, C Wiesner, D Kemethofer, AC George, E Rauscher, S Krenn, ...
Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2, 221-262, 2015
Top-down and bottom-up approaches to improve educational quality: their intended and unintended consequences
G Skedsmo, SG Huber
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability 31, 1-4, 2019
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