Alfredo Cuzzocrea
Alfredo Cuzzocrea
Distinguished Professor of Computer Engineering, University of Calabria, Italy
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Analytics over large-scale multidimensional data: the big data revolution!
A Cuzzocrea, IY Song, KC Davis
Proceedings of the ACM 14th international workshop on Data Warehousing and …, 2011
Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets and Knowledge Discovery: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Rough Sets and Knowledge Discovery (RSKD’93), Banff, Alberta, Canada, 12–15 October …
WP Ziarko
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Data warehousing and OLAP over big data: current challenges and future research directions
A Cuzzocrea, L Bellatreche, IY Song
Proceedings of the sixteenth international workshop on Data warehousing and …, 2013
Privacy and security of big data: current challenges and future research perspectives
A Cuzzocrea
Proceedings of the first international workshop on privacy and secuirty of …, 2014
Big data: a research agenda
A Cuzzocrea, D Saccą, JD Ullman
Proceedings of the 17th international database engineering & applications …, 2013
Edge betweenness centrality: A novel algorithm for QoS-based topology control over wireless sensor networks
A Cuzzocrea, A Papadimitriou, D Katsaros, Y Manolopoulos
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 35 (4), 1210-1217, 2012
Fighting fake news spread in online social networks: Actual trends and future research directions
A Campan, A Cuzzocrea, TM Truta
2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 4453-4457, 2017
Malware detection and prevention using artificial intelligence techniques
MJH Faruk, H Shahriar, M Valero, FL Barsha, S Sobhan, MA Khan, ...
2021 IEEE international conference on big data (big data), 5369-5377, 2021
A fuzzy logic based machine learning tool for supporting big data business analytics in complex artificial intelligence environments
S Ahn, SV Couture, A Cuzzocrea, K Dam, GM Grasso, CK Leung, ...
2019 IEEE international conference on fuzzy systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1-6, 2019
XPath lookup queries in P2P networks
A Bonifati, U Matrangolo, A Cuzzocrea, M Jain
Proceedings of the 6th Annual ACM international Workshop on Web information …, 2004
Analytics over big data: Exploring the convergence of datawarehousing, OLAP and data-intensive cloud infrastructures
A Cuzzocrea
2013 IEEE 37th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, 481-483, 2013
Big data: Algorithms, analytics, and applications
KC Li, H Jiang, LT Yang, A Cuzzocrea
CRC Press, 2015
Mining constrained frequent itemsets from distributed uncertain data
A Cuzzocrea, CKS Leung, RK MacKinnon
Future Generation Computer Systems 37, 117-126, 2014
Predictive analytics on open big data for supporting smart transportation services
PPF Balbin, JCR Barker, CK Leung, M Tran, RP Wall, A Cuzzocrea
Procedia computer science 176, 3009-3018, 2020
Token-based adaptive time-series prediction by ensembling linear and non-linear estimators: a machine learning approach for predictive analytics on big stock data
KJ Morris, SD Egan, JL Linsangan, CK Leung, A Cuzzocrea, CSH Hoi
2018 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2018
Big data visualization and visual analytics of COVID-19 data
CK Leung, Y Chen, CSH Hoi, S Shang, Y Wen, A Cuzzocrea
2020 24th international conference information visualisation (iv), 415-420, 2020
Tor traffic analysis and detection via machine learning techniques
A Cuzzocrea, F Martinelli, F Mercaldo, G Vercelli
2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 4474-4480, 2017
An innovative big data predictive analytics framework over hybrid big data sources with an application for disease analytics
J Souza, CK Leung, A Cuzzocrea
Advanced Information Networking and Applications: Proceedings of the 34th …, 2020
An intelligent predictive analytics system for transportation analytics on open data towards the development of a smart city
ARA Audu, A Cuzzocrea, CK Leung, KA MacLeod, NI Ohin, ...
Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems: Proceedings of the …, 2020
Personalized DeepInf: enhanced social influence prediction with deep learning and transfer learning
CK Leung, A Cuzzocrea, JJ Mai, D Deng, F Jiang
2019 IEEE international conference on big data (big data), 2871-2880, 2019
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Articles 1–20