Mikkel Wallentin
Mikkel Wallentin
Professor, Cognitive Science, Aarhus University
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Putative sex differences in verbal abilities and language cortex: A critical review
M Wallentin
Brain and language 108 (3), 175-183, 2009
Syncopation, body-movement and pleasure in groove music
MAG Witek, EF Clarke, M Wallentin, ML Kringelbach, P Vuust
PloS one 9 (4), e94446, 2014
The Musical Ear Test, a new reliable test for measuring musical competence
M Wallentin, AH Nielsen, M Friis-Olivarius, C Vuust, P Vuust
Learning and Individual Differences 20 (3), 188-196, 2010
Klinefelter syndrome: integrating genetics, neuropsychology, and endocrinology
CH Gravholt, S Chang, M Wallentin, J Fedder, P Moore, A Skakkebæk
Endocrine Reviews 39 (4), 389-423, 2018
Language as a tool for interacting minds
K Tylén, E Weed, M Wallentin, A Roepstorff, CD Frith
Mind & Language 25 (1), 3-29, 2010
Working memory and musical competence of musicians and non-musicians
M Hansen, M Wallentin, P Vuust
Psychology of Music 41 (6), 779-793, 2013
Amygdala and heart rate variability responses from listening to emotionally intense parts of a story
M Wallentin, AH Nielsen, P Vuust, A Dohn, A Roepstorff, TE Lund
Neuroimage 58 (3), 963-973, 2011
It don't mean a thing…: Keeping the rhythm during polyrhythmic tension, activates language areas (BA47)
P Vuust, A Roepstorff, M Wallentin, K Mouridsen, L Østergaard
Neuroimage 31 (2), 832-841, 2006
Capturing the musical brain with Lasso: Dynamic decoding of musical features from fMRI data
P Toiviainen, V Alluri, E Brattico, M Wallentin, P Vuust
Neuroimage 88, 170-180, 2014
Anthropometry in Klinefelter syndrome-multifactorial influences due to CAG length, testosterone treatment and possibly intrauterine hypogonadism
S Chang, A Skakkebæk, C Trolle, A Bojesen, JM Hertz, A Cohen, ...
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 100 (3), E508-E517, 2015
Concrete spatial language: See what I mean?
M Wallentin, S Østergaard, TE Lund, L Østergaard, A Roepstorff
Brain and language 92 (3), 221-233, 2005
Music in minor activates limbic structures: a relationship with dissonance?
AC Green, KB Bærentsen, H Stødkilde-Jørgensen, M Wallentin, ...
Neuroreport 19 (7), 711-715, 2008
From Vivaldi to Beatles and back: predicting lateralized brain responses to music
V Alluri, P Toiviainen, TE Lund, M Wallentin, P Vuust, AK Nandi, ...
Neuroimage 83, 627-636, 2013
The production and detection of deception in an interactive game
KE Sip, M Lynge, M Wallentin, WB McGregor, CD Frith, A Roepstorff
Neuropsychologia 48 (12), 3619-3626, 2010
Motion verb sentences activate left posterior middle temporal cortex despite static context
M Wallentin, TE Lund, S Östergaard, L Östergaard, A Roepstorff
NeuroReport 16 (6), 649-652, 2005
DNA hypermethylation and differential gene expression associated with Klinefelter syndrome
A Skakkebæk, MM Nielsen, C Trolle, S Vang, H Hornshøj, J Hedegaard, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 13740, 2018
BOLD response to motion verbs in left posterior middle temporal gyrus during story comprehension
M Wallentin, AH Nielsen, P Vuust, A Dohn, A Roepstorff, TE Lund
Brain and language 119 (3), 221-225, 2011
Parallel memory systems for talking about location and age in precuneus, caudate and Broca's region
M Wallentin, A Roepstorff, R Glover, N Burgess
Neuroimage 32 (4), 1850-1864, 2006
Tapping polyrhythms in music activates language areas
P Vuust, M Wallentin, K Mouridsen, L Østergaard, A Roepstorff
Neuroscience letters 494 (3), 211-216, 2011
Neuroanatomical correlates of Klinefelter syndrome studied in relation to the neuropsychological profile
A Skakkebæk, CH Gravholt, PM Rasmussen, A Bojesen, JS Jensen, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 4, 1-9, 2014
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