Daniel Lubig
Daniel Lubig
Institute of Logistics and Aviation, Technical University of Dresden
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Implementation of a long-range air traffic flow management for the asia-pacific region
M Schultz, D Lubig, E Asadi, J Rosenow, E Itoh, S Athota, VN Duong
IEEE Access 9, 124640-124659, 2021
COVID-19-related challenges for new normality in airport terminal operations
M Schultz, M Luo, D Lubig, MM Mota, P Scala
2021 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 1-12, 2021
The rise of the smart passenger i: analysis of impact on departing passenger flow in airports
MM Mota, P Scala, M Schultz, D Lubig, M Luo, EJ Perez
SESAR Innovation Days 2021, 2021
Concept of a long-range air traffic flow management
M Schultz, D Lubig, J Rosenow, E Itoh, S Athota, VN Duong
Long range air traffic flow management with flight-specific flight performance
J Rosenow, E Asadi, D Lubig, M Schultz, H Fricke
Future Transportation 2 (2), 310-327, 2022
Propagation of Airport Capacity Improvements to the Air Transport Network
D Lubig, M Schultz, H Fricke, F Herrema, RB Montes, B Desart
2021 IEEE/AIAA 40th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 1-10, 2021
Modeling the European Air Transportation Network considering inter-airport coordination
D Lubig, M Schultz, J Evler, H Fricke, F Herrema, RB Montes, B Desart
Network Effects from Local Performance Improvements in Europe’s Air Transport System
D Lubig, H Fricke, B Desart
EUROSIM Congress, 171-186, 2023
The rise of the Smart Passenger I
M Mujica Mota, P Scala, M Schultz, D Lubig, M Luo, E Jimenez Perez
Hogeschool van Amsterdam, 2021
Arrival Time Management in Real Weather Conditions
J Rosenow, D Lubig, H Fricke
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