Joerg Bitzer
Joerg Bitzer
Professor für Audiosignalverarbeitung, Jade Hochschule
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Post-Filtering Techniques, chapter 3 in “Microphone Arrays: Signal Processing Techniques and Applications”(Brandstein, MS and Ward, DB, Eds.)
KU Simmer, J Bitzer, C Marro
Springer-Verlag, 2001
Superdirective microphone arrays
J Bitzer, KU Simmer
Microphone arrays: Signal processing techniques and applications, 19-38, 2001
Multi-channel speech enhancement in a car environment using Wiener filtering and spectral subtraction
J Meyer, KU Simmer
1997 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech, and signal …, 1997
Theoretical noise reduction limits of the generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC) for speech enhancement
J Bitzer, KU Simmer, KD Kammeyer
1999 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 1999
An alternative implementation of the superdirective beamformer
J Bitzer, KD Kammeyer, KU Simmer
Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing …, 1999
Ecological momentary assessment in hearing research: Current state, challenges, and future directions
I Holube, P von Gablenz, J Bitzer
Ear and hearing 41, 79S-90S, 2020
Multi-microphone noise reduction techniques as front-end devices for speech recognition
J Bitzer, KU Simmer, KD Kammeyer
Speech Communication 34 (1-2), 3-12, 2001
Multimicrophone noise reduction techniques for hands-free speech recognition-a comparative study
J Bitzer, KU Simmer, KD Kammeyer
Robust Methods for Speech Recognition in Adverse Conditions (ROBUST-99), 171-174, 1999
Multi-microphone noise reduction by post-filter and superdirective beamformer
J Bitzer, KU Simmer, KD Kammeyer
Proc. IWAENC 99, 100-103, 1999
Comparison of one-and two-channel noise-estimation techniques
J Meyer, KU Simmer, KD Kammeyer
Proc. IWAENC 97, 17-20, 1997
Multichannel noise reduction—Algorithms and theoretical limits
J Bitzer, KU Simmer, KD Kammeyer
9th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 1998), 1-4, 1998
Acoustic user interfaces for ambient-assisted living technologies
S Goetze, N Moritz, JE Appell, M Meis, C Bartsch, J Bitzer
Informatics for Health and Social Care 35 (3-4), 125-143, 2010
Superdirective Microphone Arrays, chapter 2 in “Microphone Arrays: Signal Processing Techniques and Applications”
J Bitzer, KU Simmer
Springer-Verlag, 2001
Parameter estimation of dynamic range compressors: models, procedures and test signals
J Bitzer, D Schmidt, U Simmer
Audio Engineering Society Convention 120, 2006
Privacy-aware acoustic assessments of everyday life
J Bitzer, S Kissner, I Holube
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 64 (6), 395-404, 2016
Multi-channel algorithms for wind noise reduction and signal compensation in binaural hearing aids
S Franz, J Bitzer
Proc. Intl. Workshop Acoust. Echo Noise Control (IWAENC), 2010
Individual hearing aid benefit in real life evaluated using ecological momentary assessment
P von Gablenz, U Kowalk, J Bitzer, M Meis, I Holube
Trends in hearing 25, 2331216521990288, 2021
Method and apparatus for reducing random, continuous non-stationary noise in audio signals
J Rademacher, J Bitzer
US Patent 7,127,072, 2006
Method and device for changing the temporal length and/or the tone pitch of a discrete audio signal
J Bitzer, M Meemken
US Patent App. 10/388,133, 2003
Automatic detection of salient frequencies
J Bitzer, J LeBoeuf
Audio Engineering Society Convention 126, 2009
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