Odd Andersen
Odd Andersen
Senior researcher at SINTEF Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, Applied Computational Science group
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Cited by
Virtual element method for geomechanical simulations of reservoir models
O Andersen, HM Nilsen, X Raynaud
Computational Geosciences 21, 877-893, 2017
Fully-implicit simulation of vertical-equilibrium models with hysteresis and capillary fringe
HM Nilsen, KA Lie, O Andersen
Computational Geosciences 20, 49-67, 2016
Analyis of CO2 Trapping Capacities and Long-Term Migration for Geological Formations in the Norwegian North Sea Using MRST-co2lab
OA Halvor Møll Nilsen, Knut-Andreas Lie
Computers & Geosciences, 2015
Robust simulation of sharp-interface models for fast estimation of CO2 trapping capacity in large-scale aquifer systems
HM Nilsen, KA Lie, O Andersen
Computational Geosciences 20 (1), 93-113, 2016
A simulation workflow for large-scale CO2 storage in the Norwegian North Sea
KA Lie, HM Nilsen, O Andersen, O Møyner
Computational Geosciences 20 (3), 607-622, 2016
Spill-point analysis and structural trapping capacity in saline aquifers using MRST-co2lab
HM Nilsen, KA Lie, O Møyner, O Andersen
Computers & Geosciences 75, 33-43, 2015
Vertically Averaged Equations with Variable Density for Flow in Porous Media
O Andersen, SE Gasda, HM Nilsen
Transport in Porous Media 107 (1), 95-127, 2015
Using sensitivities and vertical-equilibrium models for parameter estimation of CO2 injection models with application to Sleipner data
HM Nilsen, S Krogstad, O Andersen, R Allen, KA Lie
Energy Procedia 114, 3476-3495, 2017
On obtaining optimal well rates and placement for CO2 storage
R Allen, HM Nilsen, O Andersen, KA Lie
Computational Geosciences 21 (5), 1403-1422, 2017
Building an ontology of CAD model information
OA Andersen, G Vasilakis
Geometric Modelling, Numerical Simulation, and Optimization: Applied …, 2007
Investigating simplified modeling choices for numerical simulation of CO2 storage with thermal effects
O Andersen, HM Nilsen
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 72, 49-64, 2018
Coupled geomechanics and flow simulation on corner-point and polyhedral grids
O Andersen, HMII Nilsen, X Raynaud
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference?, D031S010R004, 2017
Reexamining CO2 storage capacity and utilization of the Utsira Formation
OA Andersen, HM Nilsen, KA Lie
ECMOR XIV-14th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery 2014 …, 2014
Automatic segmentation of overlapping fish using shape priors
S Clausen, K Greiner, O Andersen, KA Lie, H Schulerud, T Kavli
Image Analysis: 15th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2007, Aalborg, Denmark …, 2007
Using simplified methods to explore the impact of parameter uncertainty on CO2 storage estimates with application to the Norwegian Continental Shelf
R Allen, HM Nilsen, KA Lie, O Møyner, O Andersen
International journal of greenhouse gas control 75, 198-213, 2018
Benchmarking of vertically integrated models for the study of the impact of caprock morphology on CO2 migration
M Ahmadinia, SM Shariatipour, O Andersen, M Sadri
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 90, 102802, 2019
Multi-model hybrid compositional simulator with application to segregated flow
O Møyner, O Andersen, HM Nilsen
Computational Geosciences 24 (2), 775-787, 2020
Simplified models for numerical simulation of geological CO2 storage
O Andersen
The University of Bergen, 2017
An open-source toolchain for simulation and optimization of aquifer-wide CO2 storage
O Andersen, KA Lie, HM Nilsen
Energy Procedia 86, 324-333, 2016
Quantitative evaluation of the joint effect of uncertain parameters in CO2 storage in the Sleipner project, using data-driven models
M Ahmadinia, SM Shariatipour, O Andersen, B Nobakht
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 103, 103180, 2020
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Articles 1–20