Josef Ecker
Josef Ecker
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The opposing effects of n− 3 and n− 6 fatty acids
G Schmitz, J Ecker
Progress in lipid research 47 (2), 147-155, 2008
Induction of fatty acid synthesis is a key requirement for phagocytic differentiation of human monocytes
J Ecker, G Liebisch, M Englmaier, M Grandl, H Robenek, G Schmitz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (17), 7817-7822, 2010
The gut microbiota promotes hepatic fatty acid desaturation and elongation in mice
A Kindt, G Liebisch, T Clavel, D Haller, G Hörmannsperger, H Yoon, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 1-15, 2018
The gut microbiota drives the impact of bile acids and fat source in diet on mouse metabolism
S Just, S Mondot, J Ecker, K Wegner, E Rath, L Gau, T Streidl, ...
Microbiome 6 (1), 1-18, 2018
A rapid GC–MS method for quantification of positional and geometric isomers of fatty acid methyl esters
J Ecker, M Scherer, G Schmitz, G Liebisch
Journal of Chromatography B 897, 98-104, 2012
Metabolite profiling in plasma and tissues of ob/ob and db/db mice identifies novel markers of obesity and type 2 diabetes
P Giesbertz, I Padberg, D Rein, J Ecker, AS Höfle, B Spanier, H Daniel
Diabetologia 58 (9), 2133-2143, 2015
Nutritional value of the duckweed species of the genus Wolffia (Lemnaceae) as human food
KJ Appenroth, KS Sree, M Bog, J Ecker, C Seeliger, V Böhm, S Lorkowski, ...
Frontiers in chemistry 6, 483, 2018
A rapid and quantitative LC-MS/MS method to profile sphingolipids
M Scherer, K Leuthäuser-Jaschinski, J Ecker, G Schmitz, G Liebisch
Journal of lipid research 51 (7), 2001-2011, 2010
Mapping ATP-binding cassette transporter gene expression profiles in melanocytes and melanoma cells
S Heimerl, AK Bosserhoff, T Langmann, J Ecker, G Schmitz
Melanoma research 17 (5), 265-273, 2007
Application of stable isotopes to investigate the metabolism of fatty acids, glycerophospholipid and sphingolipid species
J Ecker, G Liebisch
Progress in lipid research 54, 14-31, 2014
An LC-MS/MS method to quantify acylcarnitine species including isomeric and odd-numbered forms in plasma and tissues
P Giesbertz, J Ecker, A Haag, B Spanier, H Daniel
Journal of lipid research 56 (10), 2029-2039, 2015
The colorectal cancer lipidome–identification of a robust tumor-specific lipid species signature
J Ecker, E Benedetti, ASD Kindt, M Höring, M Perl, AC Machmüller, ...
Gastroenterology, 2021
A simple and robust UPLC-SRM/MS method to quantify urinary eicosanoids
K Sterz, G Scherer, J Ecker
Journal of lipid research 53 (5), 1026-1036, 2012
Quantification of Fecal Short Chain Fatty Acids by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry—Investigation of Pre-Analytic Stability
G Liebisch, J Ecker, S Roth, S Schweizer, V Öttl, HF Schött, H Yoon, ...
Biomolecules 9 (4), 121, 2019
Gut microbiota promote liver regeneration through hepatic membrane phospholipid biosynthesis
Y Yin, A Sichler, J Ecker, M Laschinger, G Liebisch, M Höring, M Basic, ...
Journal of Hepatology, 2023
Isomer specific effects of Conjugated Linoleic Acid on macrophage ABCG1 transcription by a SREBP-1c dependent mechanism
J Ecker, T Langmann, C Moehle, G Schmitz
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 352 (3), 805-811, 2007
Loss of UCP1 function augments recruitment of futile lipid cycling for thermogenesis in murine brown fat
J Oeckl, P Janovska, K Adamcova, K Bardova, S Brunner, S Dieckmann, ...
Molecular metabolism 61, 101499, 2022
The gut bacterium Extibacter muris produces secondary bile acids and influences liver physiology in gnotobiotic mice
T Streidl, I Karkossa, RR Segura Muñoz, C Eberl, A Zaufel, J Plagge, ...
Gut Microbes 13 (1), 1-21, 2021
Metabolic and growth inhibitory effects of conjugated fatty acids in the cell line HT-29 with special regard to the conversion of t11, t13-CLA
C Degen, J Ecker, S Piegholdt, G Liebisch, G Schmitz, G Jahreis
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids …, 2011
The lipidome of primary murine white, brite, and brown adipocytes—Impact of beta-adrenergic stimulation
S Schweizer, G Liebisch, J Oeckl, M Hoering, C Seeliger, C Schiebel, ...
PLoS biology 17 (8), e3000412, 2019
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