Dominik Herr
Cited by
Cited by
Interactive molecular graphics for augmented reality using HoloLens
C Müller, M Krone, M Huber, V Biener, D Herr, S Koch, G Reina, ...
Journal of integrative bioinformatics 15 (2), 2018
Immersive Modular Factory Layout Planning using Augmented Reality
D Herr, J Reinhardt, G Reina, R Krüger, RV Ferrari, T Ertl
Procedia CIRP 72, 1112-1117, 2018
A visual approach for scan path comparison
M Raschke, D Herr, T Blascheck, T Ertl, M Burch, S Willmann, M Schrauf
Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 135-142, 2014
Visual Analytics for Decomposing Temporal Event Series of Production Lines
D Herr, F Beck, T Ertl
2018 22nd International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 251-259, 2018
Visual Clutter Reduction through Hierarchy-based Projection of High-dimensional Labeled Data
D Herr, Q Han, S Lohmann, T Ertl
Proceedings of Graphics Interface, 109-16, 2016
Hierarchy-based projection of high-dimensional labeled data to reduce visual clutter
D Herr, Q Han, S Lohmann, T Ertl
Computers & Graphics 62, 28-40, 2017
Immersive Visual Analytics for Modular Factory Layout Planning
D Herr, J Reinhardt, R Krüger, G Reina, T Ertl
Visual Exploration of Patent Collections with IPC Clouds.
D Herr, Q Han, S Lohmann, S Brügmann, T Ertl
IPaMin@ KONVENS, 2014
Inspector Gadget: Integrating Data Preprocessing and Orchestration in the Visual Analysis Loop
R Krüger, D Herr, F Haag, T Ertl
The Eurographics Association, 2015
BlueCollar: Optimizing Worker Paths on Factory Shop Floors with Visual Analytics
D Herr, S Grund, T Ertl
Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019
Visual analysis for spatio-temporal event correlation in manufacturing
D Herr, K Kurzhals, T Ertl
Spatio-temporal and immersive visual analytics for advanced manufacturing
D Herr
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Articles 1–12