Markus J. Ankenbrand
Markus J. Ankenbrand
BioMedical Data Science, Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology, University of Würzburg
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ITS2 database V: Twice as much
MJ Ankenbrand, A Keller, M Wolf, J Schultz, F Förster
Molecular Biology and Evolution 32 (11), 3030-3032, 2015
Evaluating multiplexed next‐generation sequencing as a method in palynology for mixed pollen samples
A Keller, N Danner, G Grimmer, M Ankenbrand, K Ohe, W Ohe, S Rost, ...
Plant Biology 17 (2), 558-566, 2015
Increased efficiency in identifying mixed pollen samples by meta-barcoding with a dual-indexing approach
W Sickel, MJ Ankenbrand, G Grimmer, A Holzschuh, S Härtel, J Lanzen, ...
BMC ecology 15, 1-9, 2015
Open Science principles for accelerating trait-based science across the Tree of Life
RV Gallagher, DS Falster, BS Maitner, R Salguero-Gómez, V Vandvik, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 4 (3), 294-303, 2020
Compensatory base changes in ITS2 secondary structures correlate with the biological species concept despite intragenomic variability in ITS2 sequences–a proof of concept
M Wolf, S Chen, J Song, M Ankenbrand, T Müller
PloS one 8 (6), e66726, 2013
bcgTree: automatized phylogenetic tree building from bacterial core genomes
MJ Ankenbrand, A Keller
Genome 59 (10), 783-791, 2016
Venus flytrap carnivorous lifestyle builds on herbivore defense strategies
F Bemm, D Becker, C Larisch, I Kreuzer, M Escalante-Perez, WX Schulze, ...
Genome research 26 (6), 812-825, 2016
AliTV—interactive visualization of whole genome comparisons
MJ Ankenbrand, S Hohlfeld, T Hackl, F Förster
PeerJ Computer Science 3, e116, 2017
A systematic comparison of chloroplast genome assembly tools
JA Freudenthal, S Pfaff, N Terhoeven, A Korte, MJ Ankenbrand, F Förster
Genome Biology 21, 1-21, 2020
Genomes of the Venus flytrap and close relatives unveil the roots of plant carnivory
G Palfalvi, T Hackl, N Terhoeven, TF Shibata, T Nishiyama, ...
Current biology 30 (12), 2312-2320. e5, 2020
Novel integrative elements and genomic plasticity in ocean ecosystems
T Hackl, R Laurenceau, MJ Ankenbrand, C Bliem, Z Cariani, E Thomas, ...
Cell 186 (1), 47-62, 2023
Chronic exposure to the pesticide flupyradifurone can lead to premature onset of foraging in honeybees (Apis mellifera)
H Hesselbach, J Seeger, F Schilcher, M Ankenbrand, R Scheiner
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2019
gggenomes: effective and versatile visualizations for comparative genomics
T Hackl, M Ankenbrand, B van Adrichem, D Wilkins, K Haslinger
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.13556, 2024
Standard methods for pollen research
MG Campos, O Anjos, M Chica, P Campoy, J Nozkova, N Almaraz-Abarca, ...
Journal of Apicultural Research 60 (4), 1-109, 2021
Linking pollen foraging of megachilid bees to their nest bacterial microbiota
A Voulgari‐Kokota, MJ Ankenbrand, G Grimmer, I Steffan‐Dewenter, ...
Ecology and Evolution 9 (18), 10788-10800, 2019
BCdatabaser: on-the-fly reference database creation for (meta-) barcoding
A Keller, S Hohlfeld, A Kolter, J Schultz, B Gemeinholzer, MJ Ankenbrand
Bioinformatics 36 (8), 2630-2631, 2020
Wild bees and their nests host Paenibacillus bacteria with functional potential of avail
A Keller, A Brandel, MC Becker, R Balles, UR Abdelmohsen, ...
Microbiome 6, 1-10, 2018
Sensitivity analysis for interpretation of machine learning based segmentation models in cardiac MRI
MJ Ankenbrand, L Shainberg, M Hock, D Lohr, LM Schreiber
BMC Medical Imaging 21 (1), 1-8, 2021
MyoPS: A benchmark of myocardial pathology segmentation combining three-sequence cardiac magnetic resonance images
L Li, F Wu, S Wang, X Luo, C Martín-Isla, S Zhai, J Zhang, Y Liu, Z Zhang, ...
Medical Image Analysis 87, 102808, 2023
Ten (mostly) simple rules to future‐proof trait data in ecological and evolutionary sciences
A Keller, MJ Ankenbrand, H Bruelheide, S Dekeyzer, BJ Enquist, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14 (2), 444-458, 2023
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Articles 1–20