Stefan Vögele
Stefan Vögele
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Vulnerability of US and European electricity supply to climate change
MTH Van Vliet, JR Yearsley, F Ludwig, S Vögele, DP Lettenmaier, ...
Nature Climate Change 2 (9), 676-681, 2012
Dynamic modelling of water demand, water availability and adaptation strategies for power plants to global change
H Koch, S Vögele
Ecological Economics 68 (7), 2031-2039, 2009
Impacts of climate change on European critical infrastructures: The case of the power sector
D Rübbelke, S Vögele
Environmental science & policy 14 (1), 53-63, 2011
Water constraints on European power supply under climate change: impacts on electricity prices
MTH Van Vliet, S Vögele, D Rübbelke
Climate Change and the Future of Sustainability, 133-156, 2017
Context scenarios and their usage for the construction of socio-technical energy scenarios
W Weimer-Jehle, J Buchgeister, W Hauser, H Kosow, T Naegler, ...
Energy 111, 956-970, 2016
CCS: A future CO2 mitigation option for Germany?—A bottom-up approach
D Martinsen, J Linssen, P Markewitz, S Vögele
Energy policy 35 (4), 2110-2120, 2007
Socio-technical energy scenarios: state-of-the-art and CIB-based approaches
W Weimer-Jehle, S Vögele, W Hauser, H Kosow, WR Poganietz, ...
Climatic change 162, 1723-1741, 2020
Extreme events defined—A conceptual discussion applying a complex systems approach
LH Broska, WR Poganietz, S Vögele
Futures 115, 102490, 2020
Integrated assessment of a phase-out of coal-fired power plants in Germany
HU Heinrichs, D Schumann, S Vögele, KH Biß, H Shamon, P Markewitz, ...
Energy 126, 285-305, 2017
An analysis of the economic determinants of energy efficiency in the European iron and steel industry
F Flues, D Rübbelke, S Vögele
Journal of cleaner production 104, 250-263, 2015
How clean is clean? Incremental versus radical technological change in coal-fired power plants
K Rennings, P Markewitz, S Vögele
Journal of Evolutionary Economics 23, 331-355, 2013
Transformation pathways of phasing out coal-fired power plants in Germany
S Vögele, P Kunz, D Rübbelke, T Stahlke
Energy, Sustainability and Society 8 (1), 1-18, 2018
Germany’s “No” to carbon capture and storage: just a question of lacking acceptance?
S Vögele, D Rübbelke, P Mayer, W Kuckshinrichs
Applied Energy 214, 205-218, 2018
A time step energy process model for Germany-model structure and results
D Martinsen, V Krey, P Markewitz, S Vögele
Energy Studies Review 14 (1), 2006
Challenges for the European steel industry: Analysis, possible consequences and impacts on sustainable development
S Vögele, M Grajewski, K Govorukha, D Rübbelke
Applied Energy 264, 114633, 2020
Do lead markets for clean coal technology follow market demand? A case study for China, Germany, Japan and the US
J Horbach, Q Chen, K Rennings, S Vögele
Environmental innovation and societal transitions 10, 42-58, 2014
Environmental analysis of a German strategy for carbon capture and storage of coal power plants
A Schreiber, P Zapp, P Markewitz, S Vögele
Energy Policy 38 (12), 7873-7883, 2010
Short-term distributional consequences of climate change impacts on the power sector: who gains and who loses?
D Rübbelke, S Vögele
Climatic Change 116, 191-206, 2013
The impact of climate change and variability on the generation of electrical power
H Koch, S Vögele, FF Hattermann, S Huang
Stuttgart: Gebrueder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2015
Trends in water demand and water availability for power plants—scenario analyses for the German capital Berlin
H Koch, S Vögele, M Kaltofen, U Grünewald
Climatic Change 110 (3), 879-899, 2012
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