Katherine Storrs
Cited by
Cited by
Deep convolutional neural networks outperform feature-based but not categorical models in explaining object similarity judgments
KM Jozwik, N Kriegeskorte, KR Storrs, M Mur
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1726, 2017
Diverse deep neural networks all predict human inferior temporal cortex well, after training and fitting
KR Storrs, TC Kietzmann, A Walther, J Mehrer, N Kriegeskorte
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 33 (10), 2044-2064, 2021
Loss of control stimulates approach motivation
KH Greenaway, KR Storrs, MC Philipp, WR Louis, MJ Hornsey, KD Vohs
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 56, 235-241, 2015
Unsupervised learning predicts human perception and misperception of gloss
KR Storrs, BL Anderson, RW Fleming
Nature Human Behaviour 5 (10), 1402-1417, 2021
FFA and OFA encode distinct types of face identity information
M Tsantani, N Kriegeskorte, K Storrs, AL Williams, C McGettigan, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 41 (9), 1952-1969, 2021
Are high-level aftereffects perceptual?
KR Storrs
Frontiers in psychology 6, 157, 2015
Deep learning for cognitive neuroscience
KR Storrs, N Kriegeskorte
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.01458, 2019
Learning to see stuff
RW Fleming, KR Storrs
Current opinion in behavioral sciences 30, 100-108, 2019
How multisensory neurons solve causal inference
R Rideaux, KR Storrs, G Maiello, AE Welchman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (32), e2106235118, 2021
Not all face aftereffects are equal
KR Storrs, DH Arnold
Vision research 64, 7-16, 2012
Diverse deep neural networks all predict human IT well, after training and fitting
KR Storrs, TC Kietzmann, A Walther, J Mehrer, N Kriegeskorte
BioRxiv, 2020.05. 07.082743, 2020
Face dissimilarity judgments are predicted by representational distance in morphable and image-computable models
KM Jozwik, J O’Keeffe, KR Storrs, W Guo, T Golan, N Kriegeskorte
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (27), e2115047119, 2022
Sociality of facial expressions in immersive virtual environments: A facial EMG study
MC Philipp, KR Storrs, EJ Vanman
Biological psychology 91 (1), 17-21, 2012
Face aftereffects involve local repulsion, not renormalization
KR Storrs, DH Arnold
Journal of Vision 15 (8), 1-1, 2015
Learning about the world by learning about images
KR Storrs, RW Fleming
Current Directions in Psychological Science 30 (2), 120-128, 2021
Mental object rotation based on two-dimensional visual representations
EEM Stewart, FT Hartmann, Y Morgenstern, KR Storrs, G Maiello, ...
Current Biology 32 (21), R1224-R1225, 2022
Noise ceiling on the crossvalidated performance of reweighted models of representational dissimilarity: Addendum to Khaligh-Razavi & Kriegeskorte (2014)
KR Storrs, SM Khaligh-Razavi, N Kriegeskorte
BioRxiv, 2020.03. 23.003046, 2020
Shape adaptation exaggerates shape differences.
KR Storrs, DH Arnold
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 43 (1), 181, 2017
Grid cells for conceptual spaces?
N Kriegeskorte, KR Storrs
Neuron 92 (2), 280-284, 2016
The motivation for control: Loss of control promotes energy, effort, and action
KH Greenaway, MC Philipp, KR Storrs
Coping with lack of control in a social world, 45-58, 2016
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20