Reinhold Noe
Reinhold Noe
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Paderborn University, and Founder, Novoptel GmbH
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Hardware-Efficient Coherent Digital Receiver Concept With Feedforward Carrier Recovery for -QAM Constellations
T Pfau, S Hoffmann, R Noé
Journal of Lightwave Technology 27 (8), 989-999, 2009
Polarization mode dispersion compensation at 10, 20, and 40 Gb/s with various optical equalizers
R Noé, D Sandel, M Yoshida-Dierolf, S Hinz, V Mirvoda, A Pflin, ...
Journal of lightwave Technology 17 (9), 1602, 1999
Endless polarization control systems for coherent optics
R Noe, H Heidrich, D Hoffmann
Journal of lightwave technology 6 (7), 1199-1208, 1988
PLL-free synchronous QPSK polarization multiplex/diversity receiver concept with digital I&Q baseband processing
R Noe
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 17 (4), 887-889, 2005
Phase noise-tolerant synchronous QPSK/BPSK baseband-type intradyne receiver concept with feedforward carrier recovery
R Noé
Journal of Lightwave technology 23 (2), 802, 2005
Phased-array cancellation of nonlinear FWM in coherent OFDM dispersive multi-span links
M Nazarathy, J Khurgin, R Weidenfeld, Y Meiman, P Cho, R Noe, ...
Optics express 16 (20), 15777-15810, 2008
Phase-noise-tolerant two-stage carrier recovery concept for higher order QAM formats
T Pfau, R Noé
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 16 (5), 1210-1216, 2009
Coherent optical communication: Towards realtime systems at 40 Gbit/s and beyond
T Pfau, S Hoffmann, O Adamczyk, R Peveling, V Herath, M Porrmann, ...
Optics express 16 (2), 866-872, 2008
Novel nonmagnetic 30-dB traveling-wave single-sideband optical isolator integrated in III/V material
S Bhandare, SK Ibrahim, D Sandel, H Zhang, F Wust, R Noé
IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 11 (2), 417-421, 2005
Frequency and phase estimation for coherent QPSK transmission with unlocked DFB lasers
S Hoffmann, S Bhandare, T Pfau, O Adamczyk, C Wordehoff, R Peveling, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 20 (18), 1569-1571, 2008
Essentials of modern optical fiber communication
R Noé
Springer, 2010
First real-time data recovery for synchronous QPSK transmission with standard DFB lasers
T Pfau, S Hoffmann, R Peveling, S Bhandare, SK Ibrahim, O Adamczyk, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 18 (18), 1907-1909, 2006
Coherent digital polarization diversity receiver for real-time polarization-multiplexed QPSK transmission at 2.8 Gb/s
T Pfau, R Peveling, J Hauden, N Grossard, H Porte, Y Achiam, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 19 (24), 1988-1990, 2007
5.94-Tb/s 1.49-b/s/Hz (40/spl times/2/spl times/2/spl times/40 Gb/s) RZ-DQPSK polarization-division multiplex C-band transmission over 324 km
S Bhandare, D Sandel, B Milivojevic, A Hidayat, AA Fauzi, H Zhang, ...
IEEE photonics technology letters 17 (4), 914-916, 2005
Non-magnetic 30 dB integrated optical isolator in III/V material
SK Ibrahim, S Bhandare, D Sandel, H Zhang, R Noe
Electronics Letters 40 (20), 1, 2004
Comparison of polarization handling methods in coherent optical systems
R Noe, H Rodler, A Ebberg, G Gaukel, B Noll, J Wittmann, F Auracher
Journal of lightwave technology 9 (10), 1353-1366, 1991
Automatic polarization mode dispersion compensation in 40 Gbit/s optical transmission system
D Sandel, M Yoshida-Dierolf, R Noé, A Schöpflin, E Gottwald, G Fischer
Electron. Lett 34 (23), 2258-2259, 1998
PMD in high-bit-rate transmission and means for its mitigation
R Noé, D Sandel, V Mirvoda
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 10 (2), 341-355, 2004
Crosstalk detection schemes for polarization division multiplex transmission
R Noe, S Hinz, D Sandel, F Wust
Journal of lightwave technology 19 (10), 1469-1475, 2001
Endless polarisation control in coherent optical communications
R Noé
Electronics Letters 22 (15), 772-773, 1986
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