Klaus Pillen
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Zitiert von
Construction of an RFLP map of barley
A Graner, A Jahoor, J Schondelmaier, H Siedler, K Pillen, G Fischbeck, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 83, 250-256, 1991
Advanced backcross QTL analysis in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
K Pillen, A Zacharias, J Léon
Theoretical and Applied genetics 107, 340-352, 2003
High-throughput phenotyping to detect drought tolerance QTL in wild barley introgression lines
N Honsdorf, TJ March, B Berger, M Tester, K Pillen
PloS one 9 (5), e97047, 2014
Modelling the genetic architecture of flowering time control in barley through nested association mapping
A Maurer, V Draba, Y Jiang, F Schnaithmann, R Sharma, E Schumann, ...
BMC genomics 16, 1-12, 2015
AB-QTL analysis in spring barley: II. Detection of favourable exotic alleles for agronomic traits introgressed from wild barley (H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum)
M Korff, H Wang, J Léon, K Pillen
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 112, 1221-1231, 2006
Mapping new EMBL-derived barley microsatellites and their use in differentiating German barley cultivars
K Pillen, A Binder, B Kreuzkam, L Ramsay, R Waugh, J Förster, J Leon
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 101, 652-660, 2000
Development of candidate introgression lines using an exotic barley accession (Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum) as donor
M Von Korff, H Wang, J Léon, K Pillen
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 109, 1736-1745, 2004
AB-QTL analysis in winter wheat: I. Synthetic hexaploid wheat (T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides  × T. tauschii) as a source of favourable alleles for milling and baking …
A Kunert, AA Naz, O Dedeck, K Pillen, J Léon
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 115, 683-695, 2007
AB-QTL analysis in spring barley. I. Detection of resistance genes against powdery mildew, leaf rust and scald introgressed from wild barley
M Von Korff, H Wang, J Léon, K Pillen
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 111, 583-590, 2005
Association of barley photoperiod and vernalization genes with QTLs for flowering time and agronomic traits in a BC2DH population and a set of wild barley …
G Wang, I Schmalenbach, M von Korff, J Léon, B Kilian, J Rode, K Pillen
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 120, 1559-1574, 2010
Yield-related salinity tolerance traits identified in a nested association mapping (NAM) population of wild barley
S Saade, A Maurer, M Shahid, H Oakey, SM Schmöckel, S Negrão, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 32586, 2016
Selecting a set of wild barley introgression lines and verification of QTL effects for resistance to powdery mildew and leaf rust
I Schmalenbach, N Körber, K Pillen
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 117, 1093-1106, 2008
A linkage map of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.)
K Pillen, G Steinrücken, G Wricke, RG Herrmann, C Jung
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 84, 129-135, 1992
Wild barley introgression lines revealed novel QTL alleles for root and related shoot traits in the cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgareL.)
AA Naz, M Arifuzzaman, S Muzammil, K Pillen, J Léon
BMC genetics 15, 1-12, 2014
AB-QTL analysis reveals new alleles associated to proline accumulation and leaf wilting under drought stress conditions in barley (Hordeum vulgareL.)
MA Sayed, H Schumann, K Pillen, AA Naz, J Léon
BMC genetics 13, 1-12, 2012
Identification and verification of QTLs for agronomic traits using wild barley introgression lines
I Schmalenbach, J Léon, K Pillen
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 118, 483-497, 2009
Barley yield formation under abiotic stress depends on the interplay between flowering time genes and environmental cues
M Wiegmann, A Maurer, A Pham, TJ March, A Al-Abdallat, WTB Thomas, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 6397, 2019
Phylogenetic relationships between cultivated and wild species of the genusBeta revealed by DNA “fingerprinting”
C Jung, K Pillen, L Frese, S Fähr, AE Melchinger
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 86, 449-457, 1993
Identification of RFLP markers closely linked to the bolting gene B and their significance for the study of the annual habit in beets (Beta vulgaris L.)
P Boudry, R Wieber, P Saumitou-Laprade, K Pillen, H Van Dijk, C Jung
Theoretical and applied genetics 88, 852-858, 1994
Comparative AB-QTL analysis in barley using a single exotic donor of Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum.
K Pillen, A Zacharias, J Léon
Theoretical and applied genetics 108, 1591-1601, 2004
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