Dinesh Jayaraman
Dinesh Jayaraman
Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania
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Cited by
Digit: A novel design for a low-cost compact high-resolution tactile sensor with application to in-hand manipulation
M Lambeta, PW Chou, S Tian, B Yang, B Maloon, VR Most, D Stroud, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (3), 3838-3845, 2020
More Than a Feeling: Learning to Grasp and Regrasp using Vision and Touch
R Calandra, A Owens, D Jayaraman, J Lin, W Yuan, J Malik, EH Adelson, ...
IROS 2018 and RAL 2018, 2018
Objective quality assessment of multiply distorted images
D Jayaraman, A Mittal, AK Moorthy, AC Bovik
Signals, Systems and Computers (ASILOMAR), 2012 Conference Record of the …, 2012
Causal Confusion in Imitation Learning
P de Haan, D Jayaraman, S Levine
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2019, 2019
Zero shot recognition with unreliable attributes
D Jayaraman, K Grauman
NIPS 2014, 2014
Open x-embodiment: Robotic learning datasets and rt-x models
A O'Neill, A Rehman, A Gupta, A Maddukuri, A Gupta, A Padalkar, A Lee, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.08864, 2023
Learning image representations tied to ego-motion
D Jayaraman, K Grauman
ICCV 2015, 2015
Eureka: Human-level reward design via coding large language models
YJ Ma, W Liang, G Wang, DA Huang, O Bastani, D Jayaraman, Y Zhu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.12931, 2023
VIP: Towards Universal Visual Reward and Representation via Value-Implicit Pre-Training
YJ Ma, S Sodhani, D Jayaraman, O Bastani, V Kumar, A Zhang
ICLR, 2022
Techniques for improved focusing of camera arrays
O Nestares, K Seshadrinathan, D Jayaraman
US Patent 9,743,016, 2017
Decorrelating semantic visual attributes by resisting the urge to share
D Jayaraman, F Sha, K Grauman
CVPR 2014, 2014
Slow and steady feature analysis: higher order temporal coherence in video
D Jayaraman, K Grauman
CVPR 2016, 2016
Probabilistic modeling for human mesh recovery
N Kolotouros, G Pavlakos, D Jayaraman, K Daniilidis
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021
Pano2Vid: Automatic cinematography for watching 360◦ videos
YC Su, D Jayaraman, K Grauman
ACCV 2016, 2016
Manipulation by feel: Touch-based control with deep predictive models
S Tian, F Ebert, D Jayaraman, M Mudigonda, C Finn, R Calandra, ...
ICRA, 2019
Learning to look around: Intelligently exploring unseen environments for unknown tasks
D Jayaraman, K Grauman
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
An exploration of embodied visual exploration
SK Ramakrishnan, D Jayaraman, K Grauman
International Journal of Computer Vision 129 (5), 1616-1649, 2021
Look-ahead before you leap: end-to-end active recognition by forecasting the effect of motion
D Jayaraman, K Grauman
ECCV 2016, 2016
Time-Agnostic Prediction: Predicting Predictable Video Frames
D Jayaraman, F Ebert, AA Efros, S Levine
ICLR, 2019
Liv: Language-image representations and rewards for robotic control
YJ Ma, V Kumar, A Zhang, O Bastani, D Jayaraman
International Conference on Machine Learning, 23301-23320, 2023
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Articles 1–20