Benno Pokorny
Benno Pokorny
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Ecosystem goods and services–the key for sustainable plantations
J Bauhus, B Pokorny, PJ van der Meer, PJ Kanowski, M Kanninen
Ecosystem goods and services from plantation forests, 205-227, 2010
Who is responsible for deforestation in the Amazon? A spatially explicit analysis along the Transamazon Highway in Brazil
J Godar, EJ Tizado, B Pokorny
Forest Ecology and Management 267, 58-73, 2012
Market-based conservation of the Amazonian forests: Revisiting win–win expectations
B Pokorny, J Johnson, G Medina, L Hoch
Geoforum 43 (3), 387-401, 2012
Development conditions for family farming: lessons from Brazil
G Medina, C Almeida, E Novaes, J Godar, B Pokorny
World Development 74, 386-396, 2015
Community forestry in the Amazon: The unsolved challenge of forests and the poor
B Pokorny, J Johnson
ODI, 2008
All the gold for nothing? Impacts of mining on rural livelihoods in Northern Burkina Faso
B Pokorny, C von Lübke, SD Dayamba, H Dickow
World Development 119, 23-39, 2019
REDD+ for the poor or the poor for REDD+? About the limitations of environmental policies in the Amazon and the potential of achieving environmental goals through pro-poor policies
B Pokorny, I Scholz, W De Jong
Ecology and Society 18 (2), 2013
Avaliação financeira do manejo florestal comunitário
G Medina, B Pokorny
Novos Cadernos NAEA 14 (2), 25-36, 2011
Manejo forestal comunitario en América Latina: experiencias, lecciones aprendidas y retos para el futuro
C Sabogal, W Pokorny, B B Louman
cifor, 2008
Interactions between formal and informal institutions in community, private and state forest contexts in Ghana
P Osei-Tutu, M Pregernig, B Pokorny
Forest Policy and Economics 54, 26-35, 2015
How successful is tree growing for smallholders in the Amazon?
L Hoch, B Pokorny, W De Jong
International Forestry Review 11 (3), 299-310, 2009
Community forestry and the sustainable development goals: a two way street
W De Jong, B Pokorny, P Katila, G Galloway, P Pacheco
Forests 9 (6), 331, 2018
Manejo florestal empresarial na Amazônia Brasileira
C Sabogal, M Lentini, B Pokorny, JNM Silva, J Zweede, A Veríssimo, ...
Cifor, 2006
From large to small: Reorienting rural development policies in response to climate change, food security and poverty
B Pokorny, W de Jong, J Godar, P Pacheco, J Johnson
Forest Policy and Economics 36, 52-59, 2013
The power of discourse: Hard lessons for traditional forest communities in the Amazon
G Medina, B Pokorny, J Weigelt
Forest policy and economics 11 (5-6), 392-397, 2009
International forest governance and policy: institutional architecture and pathways of influence in global sustainability
M Sotirov, B Pokorny, D Kleinschmit, P Kanowski
Sustainability 12 (17), 7010, 2020
Compliance with reduced-impact harvesting guidelines by timber enterprises in terra firme forests of the Brazilian Amazon
B Pokorny, C Sabogal, JNM Silva, P Bernardo, J Souza, J Zweede
International Forestry Review 7 (1), 9-20, 2005
Community forest management for timber extraction in the Amazon frontier
G Medina, B Pokorny, BM Campbell
International Forestry Review 11 (3), 408-420, 2009
The significance of secondary forest management for development policy
A Emrich, B Pokorny, C Sepp
What do criteria and indicators assess? An analysis of five C&I sets relevant for forest management in the Brazilian Amazon
B Pokorny, M Adams
International Forestry Review 5 (1), 20-28, 2003
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