Oliver Will
Cited by
Cited by
A Replication That Failed on the Computational Model in'Michael W. Macy and Yoshimichi Sato: Trust, Cooperation and Market Formation in the US and Japan. Proceedings of the …
O Will, R Hegselmann
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 11 (3), 3, 2008
Resolving a replication that failed: News on the Macy & Sato model
O Will
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 12 (4), 11, 2009
HUME1.0 - An Agent-Based Model on the Evolution of Trust in Strangers and Division of Labour
O Will
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation X: International Workshop, MABS 2009, Budapest …, 2010
From small groups to large societies: how to construct a simulator?
R Hegselmann, O Will
Biological Theory 8, 185-194, 2013
Modelling Hume’s Moral and Political Theory–The Design of HUME1.0
R Hegselmann, O Will
Norms and Values, 205-233, 2010
Modeling Hume’s theory of norm emergence
O Will, R Hegselmann
Minding norms. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 68-80, 2014
Modellieren der Humeschen Moral-und Politiktheorie–Das Computer-Modell HUME 1.0
R Hegselmann, O Will
Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie 2, 1124-1150, 2011
Modelling Hume’s moral and political theory1
R Hegselmann, O Will
The Evolution of Trust, Division of Labour and Specialisation
R Hegselmann, O Will
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Articles 1–9