Mihai Nica
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Finite depth and width corrections to the neural tangent kernel
B Hanin, M Nica
ICLR 2020, 2020
The landscape of the spiked tensor model
GB Arous, S Mei, A Montanari, M Nica
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 72 (11), 2282-2330, 2019
Products of many large random matrices and gradients in deep neural networks
B Hanin, M Nica
Communications in Mathematical Physics 376, 287–322, 2020
A derivative-free method for solving elliptic partial differential equations with deep neural networks
J Han, M Nica, AR Stinchcombe
Journal of Computational Physics 419, 2020
Uniform convergence to the Airy line ensemble
D Dauvergne, M Nica, B Virág
Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare (B) Probabilites et Statistiques 59 (4 …, 2023
The future is log-Gaussian: ResNets and their infinite-depth-and-width limit at initialization
M Li, M Nica, D Roy
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 7852-7864, 2021
One-sided reflected Brownian motions and the KPZ fixed point
M Nica, J Quastel, D Remenik
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 8, e63, 2020
The neural covariance SDE: Shaped infinite depth-and-width networks at initialization
M Li, M Nica, D Roy
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 10795-10808, 2022
Intermediate disorder directed polymers and the multi-layer extension of the stochastic heat equation
I Corwin, M Nica
Electronic Journal of Probability 22, 1-49, 2017
Intermediate disorder limits for multi-layer semi-discrete directed polymers
M Nica
Electronic Journal of Probability 26, 1-50, 2021
Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian
M Nica
The Waterloo Mathematics Review 1 (2), 23-34, 2011
The tilted variational autoencoder: Improving out-of-distribution detection
G Floto, S Kremer, M Nica
ICLR 2023 The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations, 2023
Dynamic Sparse Training with Structured Sparsity
M Lasby, A Golubeva, U Evci, M Nica, Y Ioannou
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.02299, 2023
RSK in last passage percolation: a unified approach
D Dauvergne, M Nica, B Virág
Probability Surveys 19, 65-112, 2022
Solution of the Kolmogorov equation for TASEP
M Nica, J Quastel, D Remenik
Annals of Probability, 2020
Diffusion on the probability simplex
G Floto, T Jonsson, M Nica, S Sanner, EZ Zhu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02530, 2023
Solving elliptic equations with Brownian motion: bias reduction and temporal difference learning
C Martin, H Zhang, J Costacurta, M Nica, AR Stinchcombe
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 24 (3), 1603-1626, 2022
Optimal Strategy in "Guess Who?": Beyond Binary Search
M Nica
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 30 (4), 576-592, 2016
Depth degeneracy in neural networks: Vanishing angles in fully connected relu networks on initialization
C Jakub, M Nica
Journal of Machine Learning Research 25 (239), 1--45, 2024
Promoting engagement via engaged mathematics labs and supportive learning
N Mohammad, M Nica, KM Levere, R Okner
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 18 (2), em0732, 2023
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20