Sean M. McNee
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Improving recommendation lists through topic diversification
CN Ziegler, SM McNee, JA Konstan, G Lausen
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web, 22-32, 2005
Being accurate is not enough: how accuracy metrics have hurt recommender systems
SM McNee, J Riedl, JA Konstan
CHI'06 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 1097-1101, 2006
Getting to know you: learning new user preferences in recommender systems
AM Rashid, I Albert, D Cosley, SK Lam, SM McNee, JA Konstan, J Riedl
Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Intelligent user …, 2002
On the recommending of citations for research papers
SM McNee, I Albert, D Cosley, P Gopalkrishnan, SK Lam, AM Rashid, ...
Proceedings of the 2002 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative …, 2002
Enhancing digital libraries with TechLens+
R Torres, SM McNee, M Abel, JA Konstan, J Riedl
Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries …, 2004
Making recommendations better: an analytic model for human-recommender interaction
SM McNee, J Riedl, JA Konstan
CHI'06 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 1103-1108, 2006
Interfaces for eliciting new user preferences in recommender systems
SM McNee, SK Lam, JA Konstan, J Riedl
User Modeling 2003: 9th International Conference, UM 2003 Johnstown, PA, USA …, 2003
Don't look stupid: avoiding pitfalls when recommending research papers
SM McNee, N Kapoor, JA Konstan
Proceedings of the 2006 20th anniversary conference on Computer supported …, 2006
Confidence Displays and Training in Recommender Systems.
SM McNee, SK Lam, C Guetzlaff, JA Konstan, J Riedl
Interact 3, 176-183, 2003
Meeting user information needs in recommender systems
SM McNee
University of Minnesota, 2006
System and method for generating a reference set for use during document review
WC Knight, SM McNee, J Conwell
US Patent 8,612,446, 2013
Lessons on applying automated recommender systems to information-seeking tasks
JA Konstan, SM McNee, CN Ziegler, R Torres, N Kapoor, J Riedl
AAAI 6, 1630-1633, 2006
Techlens: Exploring the use of recommenders to support users of digital libraries
JA Konstan, N Kapoor, SM McNee, JT Butler
Proceedings of the coalition for networked information fall 2005 task force …, 2005
Computer-implemented system and method for identifying near duplicate documents
WC Knight, S Antoch, SM McNee
US Patent 9,773,039, 2017
Computer-implemented system and method for generating a training set for use during document review
WC Knight, SM McNee
US Patent 9,489,446, 2016
Multi-level ensemble classifers for cybersecurity machine learning applications
JW Conwell, SM McNee
US Patent App. 17/093,606, 2022
Productivity as a metric for visual analytics: reflections on e-discovery
SM McNee, B Arnette
Proceedings of the 2008 Workshop on BEyond time and errors: novel evaLuation …, 2008
A study of citations in users’ online personal collections
N Kapoor, JT Butler, SM McNee, GC Fouty, JA Stemper, JA Konstan
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 11th European …, 2007
Getting to know you: Learning new user preferences in recommender system
SK Lam, SM McNee, JA Konstan, J Riedl
Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces …, 2002
Being accurate is not always good: How accuracy metrics have hurt recommender systems
SM McNee
proc. Of ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction (ACM …, 2006
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