Friderike Beyer
Friderike Beyer
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The relationship between tree species richness, canopy space exploration and productivity in a temperate broad-leaf mixed forest
D Seidel, C Leuschner, C Scherber, F Beyer, T Wommelsdorf, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 310, 366-374, 2013
3D-laser scanning: A non-destructive method for studying above-ground biomass and growth of juvenile trees
D Seidel, F Beyer, D Hertel, S Fleck, C Leuschner
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (10), 1305-1311, 2011
Roots from beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) differentially affect soil microorganisms and carbon dynamics
S Cesarz, AC Fender, F Beyer, K Valtanen, B Pfeiffer, D Gansert, D Hertel, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 61, 23-32, 2013
Incorporation of plant carbon and microbial nitrogen into the rhizosphere food web of beech and ash
V Eissfeller, F Beyer, K Valtanen, D Hertel, M Maraun, A Polle, S Scheu
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 62, 76-81, 2013
Root-induced tree species effects on the source/sink strength for greenhouse gases (CH4, N2O and CO2) of a temperate deciduous forest soil
AC Fender, D Gansert, HF Jungkunst, S Fiedler, F Beyer, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57, 587-597, 2013
Fine root morphological and functional traits in Fagus sylvatica and Fraxinus excelsior saplings as dependent on species, root order and competition
F Beyer, D Hertel, C Leuschner
Plant and Soil 373, 143-156, 2013
Contrasting leaf phenological strategies optimize carbon gain under droughts of different duration
S Manzoni, G Vico, S Thompson, F Beyer, M Weih
Advances in Water Resources 84, 37-51, 2015
Competition effects on fine root survival of Fagus sylvatica and Fraxinus excelsior
F Beyer, D Hertel, K Jung, AC Fender, C Leuschner
Forest Ecology and Management 302, 14-22, 2013
Carbon and nitrogen fluxes between beech and their ectomycorrhizal assemblage
K Valtanen, V Eissfeller, F Beyer, D Hertel, S Scheu, A Polle
Mycorrhiza 24, 645-650, 2014
Tree species mixing reduces biomass but increases length of absorptive fine roots in European forests
J Wambsganss, F Beyer, GT Freschet, M Scherer‐Lorenzen, J Bauhus
Journal of Ecology 109 (7), 2678-2691, 2021
Genetics of phenotypic plasticity and biomass traits in hybrid willows across contrasting environments and years
S Berlin, HR Hallingbäck, F Beyer, NE Nordh, M Weih, ...
Annals of botany 120 (1), 87-100, 2017
Tree species mixing causes a shift in fine‐root soil exploitation strategies across European forests
J Wambsganss, GT Freschet, F Beyer, K Goldmann, LD Prada‐Salcedo, ...
Functional Ecology 35 (9), 1886-1902, 2021
Traits to ecosystems: the ecological sustainability challenge when developing future energy crops
M Weih, S Hoeber, F Beyer, P Fransson
Frontiers in Energy Research 2, 17, 2014
Tree diversity, initial litter quality, and site conditions drive early-stage fine-root decomposition in European forests
J Wambsganss, GT Freschet, F Beyer, J Bauhus, M Scherer-Lorenzen
Ecosystems 25 (7), 1493-1509, 2022
Seeing the Trees Without the Forest: What and How can Agroforestry and Urban Forestry Learn from Each Other?
R Sousa-Silva, M Feurer, C Morhart, JP Sheppard, S Albrecht, M Anys, ...
Current Forestry Reports, 1-16, 2024
Consequences of tropical rainforest conversion to tree plantations on fine root dynamics and functional traits
MM Kotowska, S Samhita, D Hertel, T Triadiati, F Beyer, K Allen, RM Link, ...
Oikos 2023 (1), e08898, 2023
Relationship between foliar δ13C and sapwood area indicates different water use patterns across 236 Salix genotypes
F Beyer, O Jäck, S Manzoni, M Weih
Trees 32, 1737-1750, 2018
Mycorrhizal associations modify tree diversity− productivity relationships across experimental tree plantations
S Luo, B Schmid, A Hector, M Scherer‐Lorenzen, K Verheyen, N Barsoum, ...
New Phytologist, 2024
Traits to ecosystems: the ecological sustainability challenge when developing future energy crops
SH MartinWeih, F Beyer, P Fransson
Frontiersin Energy Research| Bioenergy and Biofuels 2, 2014
Fine root traits, belowground interactions and competition effects on the rhizosphere of Fagus sylvatica and Fraxinus excelsior saplings
F Beyer
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