Bernd Oreschko
Bernd Oreschko
Professur Technologie und Logistik des Luftverkehrs, TU-Dresden
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Turnaround prediction with stochastic process times and airport specific delay pattern
B Oreschko, T Kunze, M Schultz, H Fricke, V Kumar, L Sherry
International Conference on Research in Airport Transportation (ICRAT), Berkeley, 2012
Significant turnaround process variations due to airport characteristics
B Oreschko, M Schultz, J Elflein, H Fricke
Air Transport and Operations, 263-270, 2010
Microscopic process modelling for efficient aircraft turnaround management
M Schultz, T Kunze, B Oreschko, H Fricke
Air Transport and Operations, 2013
Dynamic turnaround management in a highly automated airport environment
M Schultz, T Kunze, B Oreschko, H Fricke
Proceedings of the 28th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences …, 2012
Skill analysis of ground handling staff and delay impacts for turnaround modeling
B Oreschko, M Schultz, H Fricke
Air Transport and Operations, 310-318, 2012
Aircraft turnaround management in a highly automated 4D flight operations environment
T Kunze, K Schultz, H Fricke
International Conference on Application and Theory of Automation in Command …, 2011
Turnaround prediction and controling with micrsocopic process modelling GMAN proof of concept & possiblities to use microscopic process szenarios as control options
B Oreschko, T Kunze, T Gerbothe, H Fricke
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Research in Air …, 2014
Turnaround prediction concept: Proofing and control options by microscopic process modelling
B Oreschko, T Kunze, T Gerbothe, H Fricke
6th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, 2014
Air Transport and Operations 421 R. Curran et al.(Eds.) IOS Press, 2012© 2012 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.
B Akça, S Langmaak, T Alers, U Leopold, HS Appel, R Martens, R Ariaans, ...
Air Transport and Operations: Proceedings of the Second International Air …, 2012
Turnaround prediction and controling with micrsocopic process modelling
B Oreschko, T Kunze, T Gerbothe, H Fricke
Tracking Passengers at Airports for User Driven Terminal Design
M Schultz, B Oreschko, C Schulz, H Fricke
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Articles 1–11