Daniel Cadel
Daniel Cadel
Naval Surface Warfare Center
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Cross-correlation Doppler global velocimetry (CC-DGV)
DR Cadel, KT Lowe
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 71, 51-61, 2015
An analysis of strengthening mechanisms and rate-dependence in a high strength aluminum alloy
B Cao, M Shaeffer, D Cadel, KT Ramesh, S Prasad
Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials 4, 6-17, 2018
A hybrid technique for laser flare reduction
DR Cadel, D Shin, KT Lowe
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0788, 2016
Investigation of measurement sensitivities in cross-correlation Doppler global velocimetry
DR Cadel, KT Lowe
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 86, 44-52, 2016
Time-Domain Cross-Correlation Scan DGV (CCS-DGV) for Mean-Velocity Boundary Layer Measurements
DR Cadel, T Ecker, KT Lowe
AIAA SciTech (52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting), 2014
Advanced instrumentation and measurement techniques for near surface flows
DR Cadel
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2016
Volumetric Vector Velocity Measurements in a Hot Supersonic Jet
DR Cadel, T Ecker, KT Lowe
17th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid …, 2014
Numerical and experimental study of the unsteady transitional boundary layer on a wind turbine airfoil
D Zhang, DR Cadel, EG Paterson, KT Lowe
35th Wind Energy Symposium, 0917, 2017
Hybrid RANS/LES Turbulence Model Applied to a Transitional Unsteady Boundary Layer on Wind Turbine Airfoil
D Zhang, DR Cadel, EG Paterson, KT Lowe
Fluids 4 (3), 128, 2019
Unsteady boundary layer development on a wind turbine blade: an experimental study of a surrogate problem
DR Cadel, D Zhang, KT Lowe, EG Paterson
Experiments in Fluids 59, 1-17, 2018
Numerical Study of Transitional Unsteady Boundary Layer on Wind Turbine Airfoil Using Hybrid RANS/LES Turbulence Model
D Zhang, DR Cadel, EG Paterson, KT Lowe
2018 Wind Energy Symposium, 1497, 2018
A Method for Turbulent Pressure Field Measurement
DR Cadel, NSWCCD W. Bethesda United States
A System to Measure Turbulent Lengthscales on Submerged Bodies of Revolution
CJ Chesnakas, DR Cadel
SNAME American Towing Tank Conference, D011S004R005, 2017
Assessment of fluctuating pressure gradient using acceleration spectra in near wall flows
D Cadel, KT Lowe
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, L22. 008, 2015
Spatially Resolved Wind Tunnel Wake Measurements at High Angles of Attack and High Reynolds Numbers Using a Laser-Based Velocimeter
DR Cadel, KT Lowe
NAWEA 2015 Symposium, 17, 2015
Flare Reduction Technique for Near-Surface Airfoil Boundary Layer Measurements with Laser Diagnostics
D Shin, DR Cadel, KT Lowe
Virginia Tech, 2015
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