Dennis Mierke
Dennis Mierke
Altair Engineering GmbH
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Cited by
Validation of the GPU-accelerated CFD solver ELBE for free surface flow problems in civil and environmental engineering
CF Janßen, D Mierke, M Überrück, S Gralher, T Rung
Computation 3 (3), 354-385, 2015
On the development of an efficient numerical ice tank for the simulation of fluid-ship-rigid-ice interactions on graphics processing units
CF Janßen, D Mierke, T Rung
Computers & Fluids 155, 22-32, 2017
An efficient algorithm for the calculation of sub-grid distances for higher-order LBM boundary conditions in a GPU simulation environment
D Mierke, CF Janßen, T Rung
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 79 (1), 66-87, 2020
GPU-accelerated large-eddy simulation of ship-ice interactions
D Mierke, CF Janssen, T Rung
VI International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering …, 2015
GPU-accelerated large-eddy simulation of ship-ice interactions
D Mierke, C Janßen, T Rung
Proceedings of the VI International Conference on Computational Methods in …, 2015
Validation of a GPU-accelerated LBM based numerical ice tank for a Voith Schneider propulsion system
M Gehrke, D Mierke, T Rung, P Hauer
8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering …, 2019
GPU-accelerated LBM-VOF two-phase flow simulations with grid refinement
M Gehrke, D Mierke, CF Janßen, T Rung
International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, 2017
Methodology for Investigation of Ice Breaking Performance
D Myland, D Mierke
The 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 2016
Validation of a GPU-Accelerated Fully Viscous Numerical Ice Tank Using Lattice Boltzmann Method
D Mierke, M Gehrke, T Rung, Q Hisette, HSM Basin
8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering …, 0
MOUSE-Modellierung der Umströmung von Schiffen in Eisbedeckten Gewässern: Schlussbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben im Verbundprojekt ProEis
D Mierke, M Gehrke, CF Janßen, T Rung
TUHH-Technische Universität Hamburg, 2019
CUDA-accelerated computational fluid dynamics (NVIDIA Webinar)
CF Janßen, D Mierke, M Gehrke, H Asmuth
Zenodo, 2019
Validation of a GPU-Accelerated LBM Implementation of a Numerical Ice Tank Based on a Comprehensive Test Case Configuration Involving Voith Schneider Propulsion
M Gehrke, D Mierke, T Rung, P Hauer
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Articles 1–12