Robert Womersley
Cited by
Cited by
Extremal systems of points and numerical integration on the sphere
IH Sloan, RS Womersley
Advances in Computational Mathematics 21, 107-125, 2004
Optimality conditions and duality theory for minimizing sums of the largest eigenvalues of symmetric matrices
ML Overton, RS Womersley
Mathematical Programming 62 (1), 321-357, 1993
How good can polynomial interpolation on the sphere be?
RS Womersley, IH Sloan
Advances in Computational Mathematics 14, 195-226, 2001
On the sum of the largest eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix
ML Overton, RS Womersley
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 13 (1), 41-45, 1992
Algorithms with adaptive smoothing for finite minimax problems
E Polak, JO Royset, RS Womersley
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 119, 459-484, 2003
Constructive polynomial approximation on the sphere
IH Sloan, RS Womersley
Journal of Approximation Theory 103 (1), 91-118, 2000
Numerical integration on the sphere
K Hesse, IH Sloan, RS Womersley
Handbook of geomathematics, 2010
Second derivatives for optimizing eigenvalues of symmetric matrices
ML Overton, RS Womersley
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 16 (3), 697-718, 1995
Efficient spherical designs with good geometric properties
RS Womersley
Contemporary computational mathematics-A celebration of the 80th birthday of …, 2018
QMC designs: optimal order quasi Monte Carlo integration schemes on the sphere
J Brauchart, E Saff, I Sloan, R Womersley
Mathematics of computation 83 (290), 2821-2851, 2014
An NCP-function and its use for the solution of complementarity problems
ED Du, L Qi, RS Womersley
Recent Advances in Nonsmooth Optimization, 88-105, 1995
On minimizing the special radius of a nonsymmetric matrix function: Optimality conditions and duality theory
ML Overton, RS Womersley
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 9 (4), 473-498, 1988
Existence of solutions to systems of underdetermined equations and spherical designs
X Chen, RS Womersley
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 44 (6), 2326-2341, 2006
An algorithm for composite nonsmooth optimization problems
RS Womersley, R Fletcher
Journal of optimization theory and applications 48, 493-523, 1986
Local properties of algorithms for minimizing nonsmooth composite functions
RS Womersley
Mathematical Programming 32, 69-89, 1985
Market model of stochastic implied volatility with application to the BGM model
A Brace, B Goldys, F Klebaner, R Womersley
Preprint, available at the page http://www. maths. unsw. edu. au/statistics …, 2001
A new unconstrained differentiable merit function for box constrained variational inequality problems and a damped Gauss--Newton method
D Sun, RS Womersley
SIAM Journal on Optimization 9 (2), 388-413, 1999
Newton's method for quadratic stochastic programs with recourse
X Chen, L Qi, RS Womersley
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 60 (1-2), 29-46, 1995
Well conditioned spherical designs for integration and interpolation on the two-sphere
C An, X Chen, IH Sloan, RS Womersley
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 48 (6), 2135-2157, 2010
A feasible semismooth asymptotically Newton method for mixed complementarity problems
D Sun, RS Womersley, H Qi
Mathematical Programming 94, 167-187, 2002
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Articles 1–20