Chi-Chin Tsai
Cited by
Cited by
Learning of dynamic soil behavior from downhole arrays
CC Tsai, YM Hashash
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 135 (6), 745-757, 2009
Site response analysis of vertical ground motion in consideration of soil nonlinearity
CC Tsai, HW Liu
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 102, 124-136, 2017
A general model for predicting the earthquake-induced displacements of shallow and deep slope failures
CC Tsai, YC Chien
Engineering Geology 206, 50-59, 2016
Slope unit-based approach for assessing regional seismic landslide displacement for deep and shallow failure
HY Tsai, CC Tsai, WC Chang
Engineering Geology 248, 124-139, 2019
Geotechnical Reconnaissance of the 2016 ML6.6 Meinong Earthquake in Taiwan
CC Tsai, SY Hsu, KL Wang, HC Yang, WK Chang, CH Chen, YW Hwang
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 22 (9), 1710-1736, 2018
Soil-column depth-dependent seismic site coefficients and hazard maps for the upper Mississippi Embayment
YMA Hashash, CC Tsai, C Phillips, D Park
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 98 (4), 2004-2021, 2008
A novel framework integrating downhole array data and site response analysis to extract dynamic soil behavior
CC Tsai, YMA Hashash
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 28 (3), 181-197, 2008
Identification of dynamic soil properties through shaking table tests on a large saturated sand specimen in a laminar shear box
CC Tsai, WC Lin, JS Chiou
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 83, 59-68, 2016
Seismic demand of the liquefaction potential with equivalent number of cycles for probabilistic seismic hazard analysis
T Kishida, CC Tsai
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 140 (3), 04013023, 2014
Prediction of earthquake-induced slope displacements considering 2D topographic amplification and flexible sliding mass
CC Tsai, CH Lin
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 113, 25-34, 2018
Selection of the optimal frequencies of viscous damping formulation in nonlinear time-domain site response analysis
CC Tsai, D Park, CW Chen
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 67, 353-358, 2014
A strain-based procedure to estimate strength softening in saturated clays during earthquakes
CC Tsai, LH Mejia, P Meymand
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 66, 191-198, 2014
Failure of engineering structures and associated geotechnical problems during the 2022 ML 6.8 Chihshang earthquake, Taiwan
YY Ko, CC Tsai, JH Hwang, YW Hwang, L Ge, MC Chu
Natural Hazards 118 (1), 55-94, 2023
Comparison study of one-dimensional site response analysis methods
CC Tsai, CW Chen
Earthquake Spectra 32 (2), 1075-1095, 2016
Unified correlation between SPT–N and shear wave velocity for a wide range of soil types considering strain-dependent behavior
CC Tsai, T Kishida, CH Kuo
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 126, 105783, 2019
Liquefaction, building settlement, and residual strength of two residential areas during the 2016 southern Taiwan earthquake
CC Tsai, YW Hwang, CC Lu
Acta Geotechnica 15, 1363-1379, 2020
Prediction model of shear wave velocity by using SPT blow counts based on the conditional probability framework
T Kishida, CC Tsai
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 143 (4), 04016108, 2017
Immediate estimation of yield acceleration for shallow and deep failures in slope-stability analyses
YC Chien, CC Tsai
International Journal of Geomechanics 17 (7), 04017009, 2017
Evaluation of two approaches to simulate spatially variable ground motions
CC Tsai, YMA Hashash
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 14 (2), 293-308, 2010
Adjustment of site factors for basin effects from site response analysis and deep downhole array measurements in Taipei
CC Tsai, T Kishida, WC Lin
Engineering Geology 285, 106071, 2021
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Articles 1–20