Tony John George Apollaro
Tony John George Apollaro
Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, University of Malta
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Irreversible work and inner friction in quantum thermodynamic processes
F Plastina, A Alecce, TJG Apollaro, G Falcone, G Francica, F Galve, ...
Physical review letters 113 (26), 260601, 2014
Optimal dynamics for quantum-state and entanglement transfer through homogeneous quantum systems
L Banchi, TJG Apollaro, A Cuccoli, R Vaia, P Verrucchi
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (5), 052321, 2010
Memory-keeping effects and forgetfulness in the dynamics of a qubit coupled to a spin chain
TJG Apollaro, C Di Franco, F Plastina, M Paternostro
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (3), 032103, 2011
Long quantum channels for high-quality entanglement transfer
L Banchi, TJG Apollaro, A Cuccoli, R Vaia, P Verrucchi
New Journal of Physics 13 (12), 123006, 2011
Assessing the nonequilibrium thermodynamics in a quenched quantum many-body system via single projective measurements
L Fusco, S Pigeon, TJG Apollaro, A Xuereb, L Mazzola, M Campisi, ...
Physical Review X 4 (3), 031029, 2014
99-fidelity ballistic quantum-state transfer through long uniform channels
TJG Apollaro, L Banchi, A Cuccoli, R Vaia, P Verrucchi
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (5), 052319, 2012
Routing quantum information in spin chains
S Paganelli, S Lorenzo, TJG Apollaro, F Plastina, GL Giorgi
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (6), 062309, 2013
Quantum-state transfer via resonant tunneling through local-field-induced barriers
S Lorenzo, TJG Apollaro, A Sindona, F Plastina
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (4), 042313, 2013
Global quantum correlations in finite-size spin chains
S Campbell, L Mazzola, G De Chiara, TJG Apollaro, F Plastina, T Busch, ...
New Journal of Physics 15 (4), 043033, 2013
Quantum-state transfer in staggered coupled-cavity arrays
GMA Almeida, F Ciccarello, TJG Apollaro, AMC Souza
Physical Review A 93 (3), 032310, 2016
Propagation of nonclassical correlations across a quantum spin chain
S Campbell, TJG Apollaro, C Di Franco, L Banchi, A Cuccoli, R Vaia, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (5), 052316, 2011
Local control of entanglement in a spin chain
F Plastina, TJG Apollaro
Physical review letters 99 (17), 177210, 2007
Transfer of arbitrary two-qubit states via a spin chain
S Lorenzo, TJG Apollaro, S Paganelli, GM Palma, F Plastina
Physical Review A 91 (4), 042321, 2015
Transport of quantum correlations across a spin chain
TJG Apollaro, S Lorenzo, F Plastina
International Journal of Modern Physics B 27 (01n03), 1345035, 2013
Entanglement localization by a single defect in a spin chain
TJG Apollaro, F Plastina
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 74 (6), 062316, 2006
Disorder-assisted distribution of entanglement in spin chains
GMA Almeida, FABF de Moura, TJG Apollaro, ML Lyra
Physical Review A 96 (3), 032315, 2017
Many-qubit quantum state transfer via spin chains
TJG Apollaro, S Lorenzo, A Sindona, S Paganelli, GL Giorgi, F Plastina
Physica Scripta 2015 (T165), 014036, 2015
Work statistics, irreversible heat and correlations build-up in joining two spin chains
TJG Apollaro, G Francica, M Paternostro, M Campisi
Physica Scripta 2015 (T165), 014023, 2015
Nonequilibrium critical scaling in quantum thermodynamics
A Bayat, TJG Apollaro, S Paganelli, G De Chiara, H Johannesson, S Bose, ...
Physical Review B 93 (20), 201106, 2016
Quantum critical scaling under periodic driving
S Lorenzo, J Marino, F Plastina, GM Palma, TJG Apollaro
Scientific reports 7 (1), 5672, 2017
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