Juan Jose Vegas Olmos
Juan Jose Vegas Olmos
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Cited by
Energy saving scheme based on traffic forwarding for optical fiber access networks
GAR López, J Estaran, JJV Olmos, IT Monroy
OptoElectronics and Communications Conference and Photonics in Switching, ThP1_1, 2013
First real-time 400G PAM-4 demonstration for inter-data center transmission over 100 km of SSMF at 1550 nm
N Eiselt, J Wei, H Griesser, A Dochhan, M Eiselt, JP Elbers, JJV Olmos, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, W1K. 5, 2016
Dynamic reconfigurable WDM 60-GHz millimeter-waveband radio-over-fiber access network: architectural considerations and experiment
JJV Olmos, T Kuri, K Kitayama
Journal of lightwave technology 25 (11), 3374-3380, 2007
Bidirectional radio-over-fiber link employing optical frequency multiplication
MG Larrode, AMJ Koonen, JJV Olmos, A Ng'Oma
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 18 (1), 241-243, 2005
107.5 Gb/s 850 nm multi-and single-mode VCSEL transmission over 10 and 100 m of multi-mode fiber
R Puerta, M Agustin, J Toński, JR Kropp, N Ledentsov, VA Shchukin, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Th5B. 5, 2016
Evaluation of real-time 8× 56.25 Gb/s (400G) PAM-4 for inter-data center application over 80 km of SSMF at 1550 nm
N Eiselt, J Wei, H Griesser, A Dochhan, MH Eiselt, JP Elbers, JJV Olmos, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (4), 955-962, 2016
Single-carrier dual-polarization 328-Gb/s wireless transmission in a D-band millimeter wave 2× 2 MU-MIMO radio-over-fiber system
R Puerta, J Yu, X Li, Y Xu, JJ Vegas Olmos, I Tafur Monroy
Journal of Lightwave Technology 36 (2), 587-593, 2018
Full-duplex single fiber transmission using FSK downstream and IM remote upstream modulations for fiber-to-the-home
J Prat, V Polo, C Bock, C Arellano, JJV Olmos
IEEE photonics technology letters 17 (3), 702-704, 2005
Performance comparison of 112-Gb/s DMT, Nyquist PAM4, and partial-response PAM4 for future 5G ethernet-based fronthaul architecture
N Eiselt, D Muench, A Dochhan, H Griesser, M Eiselt, JJV Olmos, ...
Journal of lightwave technology 36 (10), 1807-1814, 2018
High bit-rate combined FSK/IM modulated optical signal generation by using GCSR tunable laser sources
JJV Olmos, IT Monroy, AMJ Koonen, Y Yu
Optics Express 11 (23), 3136-3140, 2003
Reconfigurable dense wavelength-division-multiplexing millimeter-waveband radio-over-fiber access system technologies
T Kuri, H Toda, JJV Olmos, K Kitayama
Journal of Lightwave Technology 28 (16), 2247-2257, 2010
Reconfigurable 2.5-Gb/s baseband and 60-GHz (155-Mb/s) millimeter-waveband radio-over-fiber (interleaving) access network
JJV Olmos, T Kuri, T Sono, K Tamura, H Toda, K Kitayama
Journal of lightwave technology 26 (15), 2506-2512, 2008
Demonstration of the first real-time end-to-end 40-Gb/s PAM-4 for next-generation access applications using 10-Gb/s transmitter
J Wei, N Eiselt, H Griesser, K Grobe, MH Eiselt, JJ Vegas Olmos, ...
Journal of lightwave technology 34 (7), 1628-1635, 2016
Effective 100 Gb/s IM/DD 850-nm multi-and single-mode VCSEL transmission through OM4 MMF
R Puerta, M Agustin, Ł Chorchos, J Toński, JR Kropp, N Ledentsov, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (3), 423-429, 2016
Reconfigurable radio-over-fiber networks: Multiple-access functionality directly over the optical layer
JJV Olmos, T Kuri, K Kitayama
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 58 (11), 3001-3010, 2010
End-to-end intent-based networking
L Velasco, M Signorelli, OG De Dios, C Papagianni, R Bifulco, JJV Olmos, ...
IEEE communications Magazine 59 (10), 106-112, 2021
Overcoming modal bandwidth limitation in radio-over-multimode fiber links
MG Larrode, AMJ Koonen, JJV Olmos
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 18 (22), 2428-2430, 2006
Experimental demonstration of 84 Gb/s PAM-4 over up to 1.6 km SSMF using a 20-GHz VCSEL at 1525 nm
N Eiselt, H Griesser, J Wei, R Hohenleitner, A Dochhan, M Ortsiefer, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (8), 1342-1349, 2017
112-Gbit/s× 4-lane duobinary-4-PAM for 400GBase
LF Suhr, JJV Olmos, B Mao, X Xu, GN Liu, IT Monroy
2014 The European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 1-3, 2014
Photonic add–drop filter based on integrated photonic crystal structures
JJV Olmos, M Tokushima, K Kitayama
IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 16 (1), 332-337, 2009
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Articles 1–20