Mirjam Kiczka
Mirjam Kiczka
Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern
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Chemical and biological gradients along the Damma glacier soil chronosequence, Switzerland
SM Bernasconi, A Bauder, B Bourdon, I Brunner, E Bünemann, I Chris, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 10 (3), 867-883, 2011
Evidence for mass-dependent isotopic fractionation of strontium in a glaciated granitic watershed
GF de Souza, BC Reynolds, M Kiczka, B Bourdon
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (9), 2596-2614, 2010
Iron isotope fractionation during proton-and ligand-promoted dissolution of primary phyllosilicates
M Kiczka, JG Wiederhold, J Frommer, SM Kraemer, B Bourdon, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (11), 3112-3128, 2010
Iron isotope fractionation during Fe uptake and translocation in alpine plants
M Kiczka, JG Wiederhold, SM Kraemer, B Bourdon, R Kretzschmar
Environmental science & technology 44 (16), 6144-6150, 2010
Iron speciation and isotope fractionation during silicate weathering and soil formation in an alpine glacier forefield chronosequence
M Kiczka, JG Wiederhold, J Frommer, A Voegelin, SM Kraemer, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (19), 5559-5573, 2011
Calcium isotope fractionation in alpine plants
RS Hindshaw, BC Reynolds, JG Wiederhold, M Kiczka, R Kretzschmar, ...
Biogeochemistry 112 (1), 373-388, 2013
Swiss deep drilling campaign 2019–2022: Geological overview and rock properties with focus on porosity and pore-space architecture
M Mazurek, T Gimmi, C Zwahlen, L Aschwanden, EC Gaucher, M Kiczka, ...
Applied Geochemistry 159, 105839, 2023
Porewater chemistry in compacted bentonite: Application to the engineered buffer barrier at the Olkiluoto site
P Wersin, M Kiczka, K Koskinen
Applied geochemistry 74, 165-175, 2016
Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto. Radionuclide Solubility Limits and Migration Parameters for the Backfill
P Wersin, M Kiczka, D Rosch, M Ochs, D Trudel
Posiva, 2014
The effect of compaction and microbial activity on the quantity and release rate of water-soluble organic matter from bentonites
S Maanoja, M Palmroth, L Salminen, L Lehtinen, M Kokko, AM Lakaniemi, ...
Applied Clay Science 211, 106192, 2021
Porewater composition in clay rocks explored by advective displacement and squeezing experiments
M Kiczka, P Wersin, M Mazurek, C Zwahlen, A Jenni, U Mäder, D Traber
Applied Geochemistry 159, 105838, 2023
Chloride accessible porosity fractions across the Jurassic sedimentary rocks of northern Switzerland
C Zwahlen, T Gimmi, A Jenni, M Kiczka, M Mazurek, LR Van Loon, ...
Applied Geochemistry 162, 105841, 2024
TBO Bülach-1-1–Data report, Dossier VIII: Rock properties, porewater characterisation and natura l tracer profiles
M Mazurek, L Aschwanden, L Camesi, T Gimmi, A Jenni, M Kiczka, ...
Nagra Arbeitsbericht NAB 20, 2021
TB O Bözberg-1-1–Data report, Dossier VIII: Rock properties, porewater characterisatio n and natural tracer profiles
P Wersin, L Aschwanden, L Camesi, E Gaucher, T Gimmi, A Jenni, ...
Nagra Arbeitsbericht NAB 21, 2022
Modelling of solute transport and microbial activity in diffusion cells simulating a bentonite barrier of a spent nuclear fuel repository
M Kiczka, M Pekala, S Maanoja, E Muuri, P Wersin
Applied Clay Science 211, 106193, 2021
Unravelling the corrosion processes at steel/bentonite interfaces in in situ tests
P Wersin, J Hadi, M Kiczka, A Jenni, JM Grenèche, N Diomidis, ...
Materials and Corrosion 74 (11-12), 1716-1727, 2023
Iron isotope fractionation mechanisms of silicate weathering and iron cycling by plants
M Kiczka-Cyriac
ETH Zurich, 2011
The impact of Fe isotope fractionation by plants on the isotopic signature of soils
M Kiczka, JG Wiederhold, SM Kraemer, B Bourdon, R Kretzschmar
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71 (15), A482-A482, 2007
Diffusion experiment (36Cl, 3H) across a concrete/claystone interface
U Mäder, L Martin, C Zwahlen, S Baur, C Vockenhuber, A Jenni, M Heule, ...
Corrigendum to" Chloride accessible porosity fractions across the Jurassic sedimentary rocks of northern Switzerland"[Appl. Geochem. 162 (2024) 105841]
C Zwahlen, T Gimmi, A Jenni, M Kiczka, M Mazurek, LR Van Loon, ...
Applied Geochemistry 170, 106065, 2024
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Articles 1–20