Robert Lehmann
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Forecasting GDP at the regional level with many predictors
R Lehmann, K Wohlrabe
German Economic Review 16 (2), 226-254, 2015
The forecasting power of the ifo business survey
R Lehmann
Journal of Business Cycle Research 19 (1), 43-94, 2023
On the political economy of national tax revenue forecasts: evidence from OECD countries
B Jochimsen, R Lehmann
Public Choice 170 (3), 211-230, 2017
The economic costs of the coronavirus shutdown for selected european countries: A scenario calculation
F Dorn, C Fuest, M Göttert, C Krolage, S Lautenbacher, R Lehmann, ...
EconPol Policy Brief, 2020
Nowcasting regional GDP: The case of the Free State of Saxony
SR Henzel, R Lehmann, K Wohlrabe
Review of Economics 66 (1), 71-98, 2015
Regional economic forecasting: state-of-the-art methodology and future challenges
R Lehmann, K Wohlrabe
CESifo Working Paper Series, 2014
Forecasting gross value-added at the regional level: Are sectoral disaggregated predictions superior to direct ones?
R Lehmann, K Wohlrabe
Review of Regional Research 34, 61-90, 2014
Forecasting employment in Europe: Are survey results helpful?
R Lehmann, A Weyh
Journal of Business Cycle Research 12 (1), 81-117, 2016
Forecasting GDP all over the world using leading indicators based on comprehensive survey data
J Garnitz, R Lehmann, K Wohlrabe
Applied Economics 51 (54), 5802-5816, 2019
Forecasting imports with information from abroad
C Grimme, R Lehmann, M Noeller
Economic Modelling 98, 109-117, 2021
Who is the ‘Journal Grand Master’? A new ranking based on the Elo rating system
R Lehmann, K Wohlrabe
Journal of Informetrics 11 (3), 800-809, 2017
Is the German Mittelstand more resistant to crises? Empirical evidence from the Great Recession
M Berlemann, V Jahn, R Lehmann
Small business economics 59 (3), 1169-1195, 2022
Survey-based indicators vs. hard data: What improves export forecasts in Europe?
R Lehmann
ifo Working Paper, 2015
Forecasting exports across Europe: What are the superior survey indicators?
R Lehmann
Empirical Economics 60 (5), 2429-2453, 2021
Explaining spatial patterns of foreign employment in Germany
R Lehmann, W Nagl
Regional Studies 53 (7), 991-1003, 2019
Boosting and regional economic forecasting: the case of Germany
R Lehmann, K Wohlrabe
Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 10, 161-175, 2017
Experts, firms, consumers or even hard data? Forecasting employment in Germany
R Lehmann, K Wohlrabe
Applied Economics Letters 24 (4), 279-283, 2017
Looking into the black box of boosting: the case of Germany
R Lehmann, K Wohlrabe
Applied Economics Letters 23 (17), 1229-1233, 2016
Modellrechnungen für den Fünften Tragfähigkeitsbericht des BMF
M Werding, K Gründler, B Läpple, R Lehmann, M Mosler, N Potrafke
Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums der Finanzen, ifo Studie, 2020
ifo Konjunkturprognose 2017/2018: Deutsche Wirtschaft stark und stabil
T Wollmershäuser, W Nierhaus, N Hristov, D Boumans, M Göttert, ...
ifo Schnelldienst 70 (12), 30-83, 2017
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