Dominique Winter
Dominique Winter
Guest Researcher at HS Emden/Leer, Coach for Product Owner and Speaker about UX management
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Key challenges in agile requirements engineering
EM Schön, D Winter, MJ Escalona, J Thomaschewski
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 18th …, 2017
Applicability of user experience and usability questionnaires
A Hinderks, D Winter, M Schrepp, J Thomaschewski
Journal of Universal Computer Science, 25 (13), 1717-1735., 2019
Welche UX Faktoren sind für mein Produkt wichtig?
D Winter, A Hinderks, M Schrepp, J Thomaschewski
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2017
Faktoren der User Experience-Systematische Übersicht über produktrelevante UX-Qualitätsaspekte
D Winter, M Schrepp, J Thomaschewski
De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2015
On the importance of UX quality aspects for different product categories
M Schrepp, J Kollmorgen, AL Meiners, A Hinderks, D Winter, HB Santoso, ...
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence …, 2023
Personas als Werkzeug in modernen Softwareprojekten
EM Holt, D Winter, J Thomaschewski
German UPA eV, 2011
Enterprise experience into the integration of human-centered design and Kanban
EM Schön, D Winter, J Uhlenbrok, MJ Escalona Cuaresma, ...
ICSOFT-EA 2016: 11th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies …, 2016
Persona driven agile development. Build up a vision with personas, sketches and persona driven user stories
D Winter, EM Holt, J Thomaschewski
Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Information Systems and Technologies …, 2012
Von der Idee zum Prototypen
EM Holt, D Winter, J Thomaschewski
German UPA eV, 2012
Identifying User Experience Aspects for Voice User Interfaces with Intensive Users.
K Kölln, J Deutschländer, AM Klein, M Rauschenberger, D Winter
WEBIST, 385-393, 2022
Nutzerintegration in softwareprojekte durch multi-channel feedback
S Draxler, O Stickel, D Winter, G Stevens
Mensch & Computer 2014-Tagungsband, 175-184, 2014
Categorizing UX aspects for voice user interfaces using the kano model
K Kölln, AM Klein, J Deutschländer, D Winter, M Rauschenberger
International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, 209-228, 2022
There Are no Major Age Effects for UX Aspects of Voice User Interfaces Using the Kano Categorization.
J Deutschländer, AC Weigand, AM Klein, D Winter, M Rauschenberger
WEBIST, 330-339, 2023
User experience in kanban
D Winter, EM Schön, J Uhlenbrok, J Thomaschewski
German UPA eV, 2013
Protocol for identifying user experience aspects for voice user interfaces with intensive users
K Kölln, J Deutschländer, AM Klein, M Rauschenberger, D Winter
Ux poker: Estimating the influence of user stories on user experience in early stage of agile development
A Hinderks, D Winter, FJD Mayo, MJE Cuaresma, J Thomaschewski
IJIMAI 7 (7), 97-104, 2022
Protocol for categorizing ux aspects for voice user interfaces using the kano model
K Kölln, AM Klein, J Deutschländer, D Winter, M Rauschenberger
UX in den frühen Phasen des Innovationsprozesses
D Winter, J Pietschmann
German UPA eV, 2012
Development of a shared UX vision based on ux factors ascertained through attribution
D Winter, C Hausmann, A Hinderks, J Thomaschewski
IJIMAI 8 (2), 247-254, 2023
Living in UX Paradise–A UX Future Vision-Scenarios from a company at the highest level of UX maturity
R Molich, N Woletz, D Winter
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV und German UPA eV, 2020
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