Kai Hoberg
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Analyzing the effect of the inventory policy on order and inventory variability with linear control theory
K Hoberg, JR Bradley, UW Thonemann
European Journal of Operational Research 176 (3), 1620-1642, 2007
Customers’ valuation of time and convenience in e-fulfillment
T Gawor, K Hoberg
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 49 (1 …, 2019
The Value of Weather Information for E‐commerce Operations
S Steinker, K Hoberg, UW Thonemann
Production and Operations Management, 2017
‘Lean 4.0’: How can digital technologies support lean practices?
FD Cifone, K Hoberg, M Holweg, AP Staudacher
International Journal of Production Economics 241, 108258, 2021
Logistics competencies, skills, and training: a global overview
A McKinnon, C Flöthmann, K Hoberg, C Busch
World Bank Publications, 2017
Assessing the potential of additive manufacturing for the provision of spare parts
JJ Heinen, K Hoberg
Journal of Operations Management 65 (8), 810-826, 2019
Disentangling supply chain management competencies and their impact on performance: a knowledge-based view
C Flöthmann, K Hoberg, B Gammelgaard
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 48 (6 …, 2018
The impact of daily weather on retail sales: An empirical study in brick-and-mortar stores
F Badorf, K Hoberg
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 52, 101921, 2020
Detailed layout planning for irregularly-shaped machines with transportation path design
S Bock, K Hoberg
European Journal of Operational Research 177 (2), 693-718, 2007
Realizing supply chain agility under time pressure: Ad hoc supply chains during the COVID‐19 pandemic
J Müller, K Hoberg, JC Fransoo
Journal of Operations Management 69 (3), 426-449, 2023
Competency requirements of supply chain planners & analysts and personal preferences of hiring managers
C Flöthmann, K Hoberg, A Wieland
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 23 (6), 480-499, 2018
The impact of inventory dynamics on long-term stock returns–an empirical investigation of US manufacturing companies
S Steinker, K Hoberg
Journal of Operations Management 31 (5), 250-261, 2013
Inventory agility upon demand shocks: Empirical evidence from the financial crisis
M Udenio, K Hoberg, JC Fransoo
Journal of Operations Management 62, 16-43, 2018
Career patterns of supply chain executives: An optimal matching analysis
C Flöthmann, K Hoberg
Journal of Business Logistics 38 (1), 35-54, 2017
Digital transformation in operations management: Fundamental change through agency reversal
S Angelopoulos, E Bendoly, JC Fransoo, K Hoberg, CX Ou, A Tenhiala
Journal of Operations Management 69 (6), 876-889, 2023
Evaluating human behaviour in response to AI recommendations for judgemental forecasting
N Khosrowabadi, K Hoberg, C Imdahl
European Journal of Operational Research 303 (3), 1151-1167, 2022
How supplier economies of scale drive supplier selection decisions
F Badorf, SM Wagner, K Hoberg, F Papier
Journal of Supply Chain Management 55 (3), 45-67, 2019
Inventory management under financial distress: an empirical analysis
S Steinker, M Pesch, K Hoberg
International Journal of Production Research 54 (17), 5182-5207, 2016
Designing smart replenishment systems: Internet-of-Things technology for vendor-managed inventory at end consumers
S Weißhuhn, K Hoberg
European Journal of Operational Research 295 (3), 949-964, 2021
An inventory control model for modal split transport: A tailored base-surge approach
C Dong, S Transchel, K Hoberg
European Journal of Operational Research 264 (1), 89-105, 2018
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