Yujiao Li
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Cited by
Grain boundary segregation engineering in metallic alloys: A pathway to the design of interfaces
D Raabe, M Herbig, S Sandlöbes, Y Li, D Tytko, M Kuzmina, D Ponge, ...
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 18 (4), 253-261, 2014
Atomic-scale quantification of grain boundary segregation in nanocrystalline material
M Herbig, D Raabe, YJ Li, P Choi, S Zaefferer, S Goto
Physical review letters 112 (12), 126103, 2014
Atomic-scale mechanisms of deformation-induced cementite decomposition in pearlite
YJ Li, P Choi, C Borchers, S Westerkamp, S Goto, D Raabe, R Kirchheim
Acta Materialia 59 (10), 3965-3977, 2011
Segregation stabilizes nanocrystalline bulk steel with near theoretical strength
Y Li, D Raabe, M Herbig, PP Choi, S Goto, A Kostka, H Yarita, C Borchers, ...
Physical review letters 113 (10), 106104, 2014
Evolution of strength and microstructure during annealing of heavily cold-drawn 6.3 GPa hypereutectoid pearlitic steel wire
YJ Li, P Choi, S Goto, C Borchers, D Raabe, R Kirchheim
Acta Materialia 60 (9), 4005-4016, 2012
Transition from strengthening to softening by grain boundaries in ultrafine-grained Cu
YJ Li, XH Zeng, W Blum
Acta Materialia 52 (17), 5009-5018, 2004
Metallic composites processed via extreme deformation: Toward the limits of strength in bulk materials
D Raabe, PP Choi, Y Li, A Kostka, X Sauvage, F Lecouturier, K Hono, ...
MRS bulletin 35 (12), 982-991, 2010
Microstructure and texture evolution in dual-phase steels: Competition between recovery, recrystallization, and phase transformation
N Peranio, YJ Li, F Roters, D Raabe
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (16-17), 4161-4168, 2010
Complex‐solid‐solution electrocatalyst discovery by computational prediction and high‐throughput experimentation
TAA Batchelor, T Löffler, B Xiao, OA Krysiak, V Strotkötter, JK Pedersen, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60 (13), 6932-6937, 2021
Segregation of boron at prior austenite grain boundaries in a quenched martensitic steel studied by atom probe tomography
YJ Li, D Ponge, P Choi, D Raabe
Scripta Materialia 96, 13-16, 2015
Nanocrystalline Fe–C alloys produced by ball milling of iron and graphite
YZ Chen, A Herz, YJ Li, C Borchers, P Choi, D Raabe, R Kirchheim
Acta Materialia 61 (9), 3172-3185, 2013
Solute hydrogen and deuterium observed at the near atomic scale in high-strength steel
AJ Breen, LT Stephenson, B Sun, Y Li, O Kasian, D Raabe, M Herbig, ...
Acta Materialia 188, 108-120, 2020
Deformation kinetics of nanocrystalline nickel
YJ Li, J Mueller, HW Höppel, M Göken, W Blum
Acta materialia 55 (17), 5708-5717, 2007
Atom probe tomography characterization of heavily cold drawn pearlitic steel wire
YJ Li, P Choi, C Borchers, YZ Chen, S Goto, D Raabe, R Kirchheim
Ultramicroscopy 111 (6), 628-632, 2011
Accelerated atomic-scale exploration of phase evolution in compositionally complex materials
YJ Li, A Savan, A Kostka, HS Stein, A Ludwig
Materials Horizons 5 (1), 86-92, 2018
On the detection of multiple events in atom probe tomography
Z Peng, F Vurpillot, PP Choi, Y Li, D Raabe, B Gault
Ultramicroscopy 189, 54-60, 2018
Creep deformation mechanisms in high-pressure die-cast magnesium-aluminum-base alloys
W Blum, YJ Li, XH Zeng, P Zhang, B Von Grossmann, C Haberling
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 36, 1721-1728, 2005
Mechanisms of subgrain coarsening and its effect on the mechanical properties of carbon-supersaturated nanocrystalline hypereutectoid steel
YJ Li, A Kostka, P Choi, S Goto, D Ponge, R Kirchheim, D Raabe
Acta Materialia 84, 110-123, 2015
On the origin of the improvement of shape memory effect by precipitating VC in Fe–Mn–Si-based shape memory alloys
MJ Lai, YJ Li, L Lillpopp, D Ponge, S Will, D Raabe
Acta Materialia 155, 222-235, 2018
Deformation‐induced martensite: a new paradigm for exceptional steels
S Djaziri, Y Li, GA Nematollahi, B Grabowski, S Goto, C Kirchlechner, ...
Advanced Materials 28 (35), 7753-7757, 2016
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Articles 1–20