Sascha Wunderlich
Cited by
Cited by
Ensuring the reliability of your model checker: Interval iteration for Markov decision processes
C Baier, J Klein, L Leuschner, D Parker, S Wunderlich
International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 160-180, 2017
A hardware/software stack for heterogeneous systems
J Castrillon, M Lieber, S Klüppelholz, M Völp, N Asmussen, U Assmann, ...
IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems 4 (3), 243-259, 2017
Weight monitoring with linear temporal logic: complexity and decidability
C Baier, J Klein, S Klüppelholz, S Wunderlich
Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Twenty-Third EACSL Annual Conference …, 2014
Probabilistic model checking for energy-utility analysis
C Baier, C Dubslaff, J Klein, S Klüppelholz, S Wunderlich
Horizons of the Mind. A Tribute to Prakash Panangaden: Essays Dedicated to …, 2014
Maximizing the conditional expected reward for reaching the goal
C Baier, J Klein, S Klüppelholz, S Wunderlich
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2017
Probabilistic model checking and non-standard multi-objective reasoning
C Baier, C Dubslaff, S Klüppelholz, M Daum, J Klein, S Märcker, ...
International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 1-16, 2014
Greener bits: Formal analysis of demand response
C Baier, S Klüppelholz, H de Meer, F Niedermeier, S Wunderlich
International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and …, 2016
Towards automated variant selection for heterogeneous tiled architectures
C Baier, S Klüppelholz, S Wunderlich
Models, Algorithms, Logics and Tools: Essays Dedicated to Kim Guldstrand …, 2017
Effectiveness of pre-computed knowledge in self-adaptation-A robustness study
M Korn, P Chrszon, S Klüppelholz, C Baier, S Wunderlich
European Workshop on Performance Engineering, 19-34, 2022
Probabilistic Model Checking for Temporal Logics in Weighted Structures
S Wunderlich
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Articles 1–10