Florian Kober
Florian Kober
Nagra, Switzerland
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Surface exposure dating with cosmogenic nuclides
S Ivy-Ochs, F Kober
E&G Quaternary Science Journal 57 (1/2), 179-209, 2008
Denudation rates and a topography-driven rainfall threshold in northern Chile: Multiple cosmogenic nuclide data and sediment yield budgets
F Kober, S Ivy-Ochs, F Schlunegger, H Baur, PW Kubik, R Wieler
Geomorphology 83 (1-2), 97-120, 2007
Sand residence times of one million years in the Namib Sand Sea from cosmogenic nuclides
P Vermeesch, CR Fenton, F Kober, GFS Wiggs, CS Bristow, S Xu
Nature Geoscience 3 (12), 862-865, 2010
The Chironico landslide (Valle Leventina, southern Swiss Alps): age and evolution
A Claude, S Ivy-Ochs, F Kober, M Antognini, B Salcher, P Kubik
Swiss Journal of Geoscience 107 (2-3), 273-291, 2014
Scale of relief growth in the forearc of the Andes of Northern Chile (Arica latitude, 18 S)
F Schlunegger, G Zeilinger, A Kounov, F Kober, B Hüsser
Terra Nova 18 (3), 217-223, 2006
Debris-flow–dependent variation of cosmogenically derived catchment-wide denudation rates
F Kober, K Hippe, B Salcher, S Ivy-Ochs, PW Kubik, L Wacker, N Hählen
Geology 40 (10), 935-938, 2012
In situ cosmogenic 10Be and 21Ne in sanidine and in situ cosmogenic 3He in Fe–Ti-oxide minerals
F Kober, S Ivy-Ochs, I Leya, H Baur, T Magna, R Wieler, PW Kubik
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 236 (1-2), 404-418, 2005
Complex multiple cosmogenic nuclide concentration and histories in the arid Rio Lluta catchment, northern Chile
F Kober, S Ivy‐Ochs, G Zeilinger, F Schlunegger, PW Kubik, H Baur, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 34 (3), 398-412, 2009
Chronology of Lateglacial ice flow reorganization and deglaciation in the Gotthard Pass area, Central Swiss Alps, based on cosmogenic 10Be and in situ 14C
K Hippe, S Ivy-Ochs, F Kober, J Zasadni, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 19, 14-26, 2014
Rate of crustal shortening and non-Coulomb behaviour of an active accretionary wedge: The folded fluvial terraces in Makran (SE, Iran)
N Haghipour, JP Burg, F Kober, G Zeilinger, S Ivy-Ochs, PW Kubik, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 355, 187-198, 2012
Quantifying denudation rates and sediment storage on the eastern Altiplano, Bolivia, using cosmogenic 10Be, 26Al, and in situ 14C
K Hippe, F Kober, G Zeilinger, S Ivy-Ochs, C Maden, L Wacker, PW Kubik, ...
Geomorphology 179, 58-70, 2012
Interlaboratory comparison of cosmogenic 21Ne in quartz
P Vermeesch, G Balco, PH Blard, TJ Dunai, F Kober, S Niedermann, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 26, 20-28, 2015
A deglaciation model of the Oberhasli, Switzerland
C Wirsig, J Zasadni, S Ivy‐Ochs, M Christl, F Kober, C Schlüchter
Journal of Quaternary Science 31 (1), 46-59, 2016
Methods and uncertainty estimations of 3-D structural modelling in crystalline rocks: a case study
R Schneeberger, M de La Varga, D Egli, A Berger, F Kober, F Wellmann, ...
Solid Earth 8 (5), 987-1002, 2017
Surface uplift and climate change: The geomorphic evolution of the Western Escarpment of the Andes of northern Chile between the Miocene and present
F Kober, F Schlunegger, G Zeilinger, H Schneider
Late-Pleistocene catchment-wide denudation patterns across the European Alps
R Delunel, F Schlunegger, PG Valla, J Dixon, C Glotzbach, K Hippe, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 211, 103407, 2020
The current performance of the in situ 14C extraction line at ETH
K Hippe, F Kober, H Baur, M Ruff, L Wacker, R Wieler
Quaternary Geochronology 4 (6), 493-500, 2009, 2009
Sedimentology-based reconstructions of paleoclimate changes in the Central Andes in response to the uplift of the Andes, Arica region between 19 and 21 S latitude, northern Chile
F Schlunegger, F Kober, G Zeilinger, R von Rotz
International Journal of Earth Sciences 99, 123-137, 2010
Quantitative reconstruction of late Holocene surface evolution on an alpine debris-flow fan
P Schürch, AL Densmore, S Ivy-Ochs, NJ Rosser, F Kober, F Schlunegger, ...
Geomorphology 275, 46-57, 2016
Depth-dependence of the production rate of in situ 14C in quartz from the Leymon High core, Spain
M Lupker, K Hippe, L Wacker, F Kober, C Maden, R Braucher, D Bourlès, ...
Quat. Geochronol. 28, 80–87, 2015
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