Customer choice patterns in passenger rail competition J Paha, D Rompf, C Warnecke Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 50, 209-227, 2013 | 38 | 2013 |
Optimization heuristics for determining internal rating grading scales M Lyra, J Paha, S Paterlini, P Winker Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 54 (11), 2693-2706, 2010 | 28 | 2010 |
Empirical methods in the analysis of collusion J Paha Empirica 38, 389-415, 2011 | 26 | 2011 |
Partial cross ownership and collusion S de Haas, J Paha MAGKS Joint Discussion Paper Series in Economics, 2016 | 16 | 2016 |
Non-controlling minority shareholdings and collusion S De Haas, J Paha Review of industrial organization 58, 431-454, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
The value of collusion with endogenous capacity and demand uncertainty J Paha The Journal of Industrial Economics 65 (3), 623-653, 2017 | 14 | 2017 |
Antitrust compliance: Managerial incentives and collusive behavior J Paha Managerial and Decision Economics 38 (7), 992-1002, 2017 | 11 | 2017 |
Endogenous cartel formation with heterogeneous firms and differentiated products J Paha MAGKS-Joint Discussion Paper Series in Economics, 2024 | 9 | 2024 |
List price collusion WH Boshoff, J Paha Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 21 (3), 393-409, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Competition Law Compliance Programmes: An Interdisciplinary Approach J Paha Springer, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
Cartels as defensive devices: evidence from decisions of the European Commission 2001–2010 D Herold, J Paha Review of Law & Economics 14 (1), 20160035, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Managing antitrust risks in the banking industry D Scheld, J Paha, N Fandrey European Competition Journal 12 (1), 113-136, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
Results of a survey in germany, austria, and switzerland on how to prevent violations of competition laws G Götz, D Herold, J Paha Competition Law Compliance Programmes: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 37-58, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
Cartel formation with endogenous capacity and demand uncertainty J Paha MAGKS Joint Discussion Paper Series in Economics, 2013 | 7 | 2013 |
Predicting cartel formation D Herold, J Paha Available at SSRN 2740528, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
The Economics of Competition (Law) J Paha Giessen: Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, 2013 | 6 | 2013 |
Some effects of EU sugar reforms on development in Africa J Paha, T Sautter, R Schumacher Intereconomics 56 (5), 288-294, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Screening und das Compliance-Risikomodell: Konzepte zur unternehmensinternen Aufdeckung von Verstößen gegen das Kartellverbot J Paha, G Götz WUW: Wirtschaft und wettbewerb= Concurrence et marché= Competition and Trade …, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
Using accounting data in cartel damage calculations: blessing or menace? J Paha European journal of law and economics 34, 241-263, 2012 | 5 | 2012 |
The law and economics of list price collusion W Boshoff, J Paha MAGKS Joint Discussion Paper Series in Economics, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |