Schaeffel F
Schaeffel F
Professor Neurobiology of the Eye
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Accommodation, refractive error and eye growth in chickens
F Schaeffel, A Glasser, HC Howland
Vision research 28 (5), 639-657, 1988
An updated view on the role of dopamine in myopia
M Feldkaemper, F Schaeffel
Experimental eye research 114, 106-119, 2013
The effect of ambient illuminance on the development of deprivation myopia in chicks
R Ashby, A Ohlendorf, F Schaeffel
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 50 (11), 5348-5354, 2009
The effect of bright light on lens compensation in chicks
RS Ashby, F Schaeffel
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 51 (10), 5247-5253, 2010
Peripheral refractive errors in myopic, emmetropic, and hyperopic young subjects
A Seidemann, F Schaeffel, A Guirao, N Lopez-Gil, P Artal
JOSA A 19 (12), 2363-2373, 2002
Inter‐individual variability in the dynamics of natural accommodation in humans: relation to age and refractive errors.
F Schaeffel, H Wilhelm, E Zrenner
The Journal of Physiology 461 (1), 301-320, 1993
Properties of the feedback loops controlling eye growth and refractive state in the chicken
F Schaeffel, HC Howland
Vision research 31 (4), 717-734, 1991
Local changes in eye growth induced by imposed local refractive error despite active accommodation
S Diether, F Schaeffel
Vision research 37 (6), 659-668, 1997
Light-and focus-dependent expression of the transcription factor ZENK in the chick retina
AJ Fischer, JJ McGuire, F Schaeffel, WK Stell
Nature neuroscience 2 (8), 706-712, 1999
Detection of behavioral alterations and learning deficits in mice lacking synaptophysin
U Schmitt, N Tanimoto, M Seeliger, F Schaeffel, RE Leube
Neuroscience 162 (2), 234-243, 2009
Mathematical procedures in data recording and processing of pupillary fatigue waves
H Lüdtke, B Wilhelm, M Adler, F Schaeffel, H Wilhelm
Vision research 38 (19), 2889-2896, 1998
Developing eyes that lack accommodation grow to compensate for imposed defocus
F Schaeffel, D Troilo, J Wallman, HC Howland
Visual neuroscience 4 (2), 177-183, 1990
A paraxial schematic eye model for the growing C57BL/6 mouse
C Schmucker, F Schaeffel
Vision research 44 (16), 1857-1867, 2004
Studies on the role of the retinal dopamine/melatonin system in experimental refractive errors in chickens
F Schaeffel, M Bartmann, G Hagel, E Zrenner
Vision research 35 (9), 1247-1264, 1995
Measurement of refractive state and deprivation myopia in two strains of mice
F Schaeffel, EVA Burkhardt, HC Howland, RW Williams
Optometry and Vision Science 81 (2), 99-110, 2004
Laboratory, clinical, and kindergarten test of a new eccentric infrared photorefractor (PowerRefractor)
M Choi, S Weiss, F Schaeffel, A Seidemann, HC Howland, B Wilhelm, ...
Optometry and vision science 77 (10), 537-548, 2000
Effects of atropine on refractive development, dopamine release, and slow retinal potentials in the chick
HN SCHWAHN, H Kaymak, F Schaeffel
Visual neuroscience 17 (2), 165-176, 2000
Animal models in myopia research
F Schaeffel, M Feldkaemper
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 98 (6), 507-517, 2015
Effects of longitudinal chromatic aberration on accommodation and emmetropization
A Seidemann, F Schaeffel
Vision research 42 (21), 2409-2417, 2002
Assessment of vision-related quality of life in patients with homonymous visual field defects
E Papageorgiou, G Hardiess, F Schaeffel, H Wiethoelter, HO Karnath, ...
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 245, 1749-1758, 2007
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