Carla Krolage
Carla Krolage
University of Regensburg, ifo Institute
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Firm-level Expectations and Behavior in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis
L Buchheim, J Dovern, C Krolage, S Link
CESifo working paper, 2020
Entwicklung der altersarmut bis 2036: Trends, risikogruppen und politikszenarien
P Haan, H Stichnoth, M Blömer, H Buslei, J Geyer, C Krolage, KU Müller
ZEW-Gutachten und Forschungsberichte, 2017
Sentiment and firm behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic
L Buchheim, J Dovern, C Krolage, S Link
Journal of economic behavior & organization 195, 186-198, 2022
Sudden stop: When did firms anticipate the potential consequences of COVID-19?
L Buchheim, C Krolage, S Link
German Economic Review 23 (1), 79-119, 2022
The economic costs of the coronavirus shutdown for selected european countries: A scenario calculation
F Dorn, C Fuest, M Göttert, C Krolage, S Lautenbacher, R Lehmann, ...
EconPol Policy Brief, 2020
Die volkswirtschaftlichen Kosten des Corona-Shutdown für Deutschland: Eine Szenarienrechnung
F Dorn, C Fuest, M Göttert, C Krolage, S Lautenbacher, S Link, A Peichl, ...
ifo Schnelldienst 73 (04), 29-35, 2020
Expected effects of the US tax reform on other countries: global and local survey evidence
D Boumans, C Fuest, C Krolage, K Wohlrabe
International tax and public finance 27, 1608-1630, 2020
Vertical and horizontal redistribution: Evidence from Europe
M Bussolo, C Krolage, M Makovec, A Peichl, M Stöckli, I Torre, ...
What Drives Inequality? 27, 19-38, 2019
Who bears the burden of real estate transfer taxes? Evidence from the German housing market
M Dolls, C Fuest, C Krolage, F Neumeier
Journal of Urban Economics 145, 103717, 2025
‘Earned, not given’? The effect of lowering the full retirement age on retirement decisions
M Dolls, C Krolage
Journal of Public Economics 223, 104909, 2023
The effect of real estate purchase subsidies on property prices
C Krolage
International Tax and Public Finance 30 (1), 215-246, 2023
The future of work and consumption in cities after the pandemic: Evidence from Germany
JV Alipour, O Falck, S Krause, C Krolage, S Wichert
CESifo Working Paper, 2022
Long-run trends in top income shares: The role of income and population growth
C Krolage, A Peichl, D Waldenström
The Journal of Economic Inequality 20 (1), 97-118, 2022
Gleitender Übergang in den Ruhestand durch Flexibilisierung der Teilrente
M Gasche, C Krolage
Sozialer Fortschritt, 149-159, 2012
Incentivising Structural Reforms in Europe? A Blueprint for the European Commission's Reform Support Programme
M Dolls, C Fuest, C Krolage, F Neumeier, D Stöhlker
Intereconomics 54 (1), 42-46, 2019
The economic costs of the Coronavirus shutdown for Germany: A scenario calculation
F Dorn, C Fuest, M Göttert, C Krolage, S Lautenbacher, S Link, A Peichl, ...
EconPol Policy Brief, 2020
Convergence in EMU: What and How?
M Dolls, D Stöhlker, C Fuest, F Neumeier, C Krolage
Economic Governance Support Unit, 2018
EU cohesion policy on the ground: Analyzing small-scale effects using satellite data
J Bachtrögler-Unger, M Dolls, C Krolage, P Schüle, H Taubenböck, ...
Regional Science and Urban Economics 103, 103954, 2023
ifo Konjunkturprognose Sommer 2020: Deutsche Wirtschaft–es geht wieder aufwärts
T Wollmershäuser, M Göttert, C Grimme, C Krolage, S Lautenbacher, ...
ifo Schnelldienst 73 (Sonderausgabe), 3-58, 2020
Die Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf die bayerische Wirtschaft: Ergebnisse einer Unternehmensbefragung
F Dorn, C Fuest, F Neumeier, K Demmelhuber, L Immel, C Krolage, ...
ifo Schnelldienst 73 (06), 56-61, 2020
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