Paul Hünermund
Paul Hünermund
Copenhagen Business School, Department of Strategy & Innovation
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That’s a Lot to Process! Pitfalls of Popular Path Models
JM Rohrer, P Hünermund, RC Arslan, M Elson
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 5 (2), 1–14, 2022
On the nuisance of control variables in causal regression analysis
P Hünermund, B Louw
Organizational Research Methods, 10944281231219274, 2023
Causal inference and data fusion in econometrics
P Hünermund, E Bareinboim
Econometrics Journal, 2023
Public procurement of innovation: evidence from a German legislative reform
D Czarnitzki, P Hünermund, N Moshgbar
International Journal of Industrial Organization 71, 102620, 2020
Nonfinancial considerations in eco‐innovation decisions: The role of family ownership and reputation concerns
Y Bammens, P Hünermund
Journal of Product Innovation Management 37 (5), 431-453, 2020
Estimating the causal effect of R&D subsidies in a pan-European program
P Hünermund, D Czarnitzki
Research Policy 48 (1), 115-124, 2019
Innovation in Germany-Results of the German CIS 2006 to 2010
B Aschhoff, E Baier, D Crass, M Hud, P Hünermund, C Köhler, B Peters, ...
ZEW-Dokumentation 13, 2013
Manager narcissism and employee silence: A socio‐analytic theory perspective
MRW Hamstra, B Schreurs, IM Jawahar, LM Laurijssen, P Hünermund
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 94 (1), 29-54, 2021
A global decline in research productivity? Evidence from China and Germany
P Boeing, P Hünermund
Economics Letters 197, 109646, 2020
Innovation activities of firms in Germany-Results of the German CIS 2012 and 2014: Background report on the surveys of the Mannheim Innovation Panel Conducted in the Years 2013 …
V Behrens, M Berger, M Hud, P Hünermund, Y Iferd, B Peters, C Rammer, ...
ZEW-Dokumentation, 2017
Firm-level effects of staged investments in innovation: The moderating role of resource availability
P Andries, P Hünermund
Research Policy 49 (7), 103994, 2020
Dokumentation zur Innovationserhebung 2015
C Rammer, T Schubert, P Hünermund, M Köhler, Y Iferd, B Peters
ZEW-Dokumentation, 2016
Reproducibility in Management Science
M Fišar, B Greiner, C Huber, E Katok, AI Ozkes, ...
Management Science 70 (3), 1343-1356, 2024
Double machine learning and automated confounder selection: A cautionary tale
P Hünermund, B Louw, I Caspi
Journal of Causal Inference 11 (1), 20220078, 2023
Pursuing gains or avoiding losses: The contingent effect of transgenerational intentions on innovation investments
Y Bammens, P Hünermund, P Andries
Journal of Management Studies 59 (6), 1493-1530, 2022
Dokumentation zur Innovationserhebung 2013
B Aschhoff, D Crass, T Doherr, M Hud, P Hünermund, Y Iferd, C Köhler, ...
ZEW-Dokumentation 14, 2014
Indikatorenbericht zur Innovationserhebung 2013
C Rammer, B Aschhoff, D Crass, T Doherr, M Hud, C Köhler, B Peters, ...
ZEW-Jahresbericht zum Innovationsverhalten der Deutschen Wirtschaft, Mannheim, 2011
Natural experiments: Missed opportunities for causal inference in psychology
MP Grosz, A Ayaita, RC Arslan, S Buecker, T Ebert, P Hünermund, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 7 (1 …, 2024
Ecological community logics, identifiable business ownership, and green innovation as a company response
Y Bammens, P Hünermund
Research Policy 52 (8), 104826, 2023
Causal machine learning and business decision making
P Hünermund, J Kaminski, C Schmitt
Available at SSRN 3867326, 2022
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