Lars Köhler
Lars Köhler
Plant Ecology, University Göttingen
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The importance of epiphytes to total rainfall interception by a tropical montane rain forest in Costa Rica
D Hölscher, L Köhler, AIJM van Dijk, LAS Bruijnzeel
Journal of Hydrology 292 (1-4), 308-322, 2004
Biomass and water storage dynamics of epiphytes in old-growth and secondary montane cloud forest stands in Costa Rica
L Köhler, C Tobón, KFA Frumau, LA Bruijnzeel
Plant Ecology 193, 171-184, 2007
The importance of hydraulic conductivity and wood density to growth performance in eight tree species from a tropical semi-dry climate
S Hoeber, C Leuschner, L Köhler, D Arias-Aguilar, B Schuldt
Forest Ecology and Management 330, 126-136, 2014
New mediterranean biodiversity records (October, 2014)
S Katsanevakis, Ü Acar, I Ammar, BA Balci, P Bekas, M Belmonte, ...
Mediterranean Marine Science, 675-695, 2014
Nutrient fluxes in stemflow and throughfall in three successional stages of an upper montane rain forest in Costa Rica
D Hölscher, L Köhler, C Leuschner, M Kappelle
Journal of Tropical Ecology 19 (5), 557-565, 2003
Altitudinal change in soil and foliar nutrient concentrations and in microclimate across the tree line on the subtropical island mountain Mt. Teide (Canary Islands)
L Köhler, T Gieger, C Leuschner
Flora 201 (3), 202-214, 2006
Hydrological impacts of converting tropical montane cloud forest to pasture, with initial reference to northern Costa Rica. Final Technical Report DFID-FRP Project no. R7991.
LA Bruijnzeel
Vrije Universiteit, 2006
High litterfall in old-growth and secondary upper montane forest of Costa Rica
L Köhler, D Hölscher, C Leuschner
Plant Ecology 199 (2), 163-173, 2008
Evapotranspiration and water balance of high-elevation grassland on the Tibetan Plateau
H Coners, W Babel, S Willinghöfer, T Biermann, L Köhler, E Seeber, ...
Journal of Hydrology 533, 557-566, 2016
Water dynamics of epiphytic vegetation in a lower montane cloud forest: fog interception, storage, and evaporation
C Tobón, L Köhler, KFA Frumau, LA Bruijnzeel, R Burkard, S Schmid
Tropical Montane Cloud Forests: Science for Conservation and Management, 261-267, 2010
Manipulating the species composition of permanent grasslands—A new approach to biodiversity experiments
U Petersen, N Wrage, L Köhler, C Leuschner, J Isselstein
Basic and Applied Ecology 13 (1), 1-9, 2012
Die Bedeutung der Epiphyten im ökosystemaren Wasser- und Nährstoffumsatz verschiedener Altersstadien eines Bergregenwaldes in Costa Rica. Dissertation, Universität Göttingen.
L Köhler
Selbstverlag des Forschungszentrums Waldökosysteme, 2002
Changes in fine root system size and structure during secondary succession in a Costa Rican montane oak forest
D Hertel, D Hölscher, L Köhler, C Leuschner
Ecology and conservation of neotropical montane oak forests, 283-297, 2006
Epiphyte biomass in Costa Rican old-growth and secondary montane rain forests and its hydrological significance
L Köhler, D Hölscher, LA Bruijnzeel, C Leuschner, FN Scatena, ...
Tropical Montane Cloud Forests. Science for Conservation and Management, 268-274, 2010
Ecology and use of old-growth and recovering montane oak forest in the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica.
D Hölscher, L Köhler, M Kappelle, C Leuschner
Tropical montane cloud forests: Science for conservation and management, 610-617, 2010
Leaf litter species identity influences biochemical composition of ectomycorrhizal fungi
N Yang, O Butenschoen, R Rana, L Köhler, D Hertel, C Leuschner, ...
Mycorrhiza 29, 85-96, 2019
Genetic diversity in aspen and its relation to arthropod abundance
C Zhang, B Vornam, K Volmer, K Prinz, F Kleemann, L Köhler, A Polle, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 5 (806), DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00806, 2015
Mycorrhizal, endophytic and ecomorphological status of tree roots in the canopy of a montane rain forest
D Hertel, L Köhler, MC Rillig
Biotropica 43 (4), 401-404, 2011
Cloud water interception and element deposition differ largely between Norway spruce stands along an elevation transect in Harz Mountains, Germany
L Köhler, C Leuschner, M Hauck, D Hertel
Ecohydrology 8, 1048-1064, 2015
Above-ground water and nutrient fluxes in three successional stages of Costa Rican montane oak forest with contrasting epiphyte abundance
L Köhler, D Hölscher, C Leuschner
Ecology and Conservation of Neotropical Montane Oak Forests, 271-282, 2006
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