Ismi Rajiani
Ismi Rajiani
Professor of Management, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat , Banjarmasin.
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Manajemen sumber daya manusia
S Hadi, I Rajiani, M Mutiani, J Jumriani, EW Abbas
Program Studi Pendidikan IPS FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, 2022
Leveraging knowledge sharing and innovation culture into SMEs sustainable competitive advantage
IWE Arsawan, V Koval, I Rajiani, NW Rustiarini, WG Supartha, ...
International journal of productivity and performance management 71 (2), 405-428, 2022
The passway of women entrepreneurship: Starting from social capital with open innovation, through to knowledge sharing and innovative performance
M Setini, NNK Yasa, IWG Supartha, IGAK Giantari, I Rajiani
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 6 (2), 25, 2020
Promoting Organizational Citizenship Behavior among Employees - The Role of Leadership Practices
Hamed Al-sharafi & Ismi Rajiani
International Journal of Business and Management 8 (6), 47-54, 2013
Where Exactly for Enhance Critical and Creative Thinking: The Use of Problem Posing or Contextual Learning.
W Winarso, AA Haqq
European Journal of Educational Research 9 (2), 877-887, 2020
Ability, motivation and opportunity as determinants of green human resources management innovation
I Rajani, H Musa, B Hardjono
Menulis Artik. J. Int. Konf. Int 10, 139, 2023
Human resource management in promoting innovation and organizational performance
IG Riana, G Suparna, IGM Suwandana, S Kot, I Rajiani
Problems and Perspectives in Management 18 (1), 107, 2020
Management Innovation in Balancing Technology Innovation to Harness Universities Performance in the Era of Community 4.0
I Rajiani, N Ismail
Polish Journal of Management Studies 19 (1), 309-321, 2019
Harnessing knowledge sharing practice to enhance innovative work behavior: the paradox of social exchange theory
I Arsawan, IW Wirga, I Rajiani, NPS Suryantini
Polish Journal of Management Studies 21, 2020
The Role of Economic in Social Studies Education
R Riswan, I Rajiani, MRN Handy, EW Abbas, R Rusmaniah
The Kalimantan Social Studies Journal 3 (2), 144-151, 2022
The prospective innovator in public university by scrutinizing particular personality traits
EW Abbas, S Hadi, I Rajiani
Polish Journal of Management Studies 18, 2018
The alternative model for quality evaluation of health care facilities based on outputs of management processes
I Rajiani, R Bačík, R Fedorko, M Rigelský, K Szczepańska-Woszczyna
Polish Journal of Management Studies 17 (1), 194-208, 2018
Managing e-learning in public universities by investigating the role of culture
EW Abbas, I Rajiani
Polish Journal of Management Studies 20, 2019
Use of the value chain in the process of generating a sustainable business strategy on the example of manufacturing and industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic
J Straková, I Rajiani, P Pártlová, J Váchal, J Dobrovič
Sustainability 12 (4), 1520, 2020
Green technology compliance in Malaysia for sustainable business development
KA Bakar, MFM Sam, MNH Tahir, I Rajiani, N Muslan
Journal of Global Management 2 (1), 55-65, 2011
National culture as modality in managing the carbon economy in Southeast Asia
I Rajiani, P Pypłacz
Polish Journal of Management Studies 18 (1), 296-310, 2018
Managing information systems by integrating information systems success model and the unified theory of acceptance and usage of technology
M Harlie, H Hairul, I Rajiani, EW Abbas
Polish Journal of Management Studies 20 (1), 192-201, 2019
Sustainability of floodplain wetland fisheries of rural Indonesia: does culture enhance livelihood resilience?
AS Hidayat, I Rajiani, D Arisanty
Sustainability 14 (21), 14461, 2022
Economic Activities at Grocery Stalls along the Riverbank Communities on Banua Anyar
Y Yulia, M Hasanah, MRN Handy, EW Abbas, I Rajiani
The Kalimantan Social Studies Journal 4 (1), 86-92, 2022
Cultural and individual characteristics in adopting computer-supported collaborative learning during covid-19 outbreak: Willingness or obligatory to accept technology?
F Fatimah, S Rajiani, E Abbas
Management Science Letters 11 (2), 373-378, 2021
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Articles 1–20