Johannes Schultz
Johannes Schultz
Center for Economics and Neuroscience, University of Bonn
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Dissociable roles of ventral and dorsal striatum in instrumental conditioning
J O'Doherty, P Dayan, J Schultz, R Deichmann, K Friston, RJ Dolan
Science 304 (5669), 452, 2004
Kinetics and dose dependency of intranasal oxytocin effects on amygdala reactivity
FB Spengler, J Schultz, D Scheele, M Essel, W Maier, M Heinrichs, ...
Biological psychiatry 82 (12), 885-894, 2017
Activation in posterior superior temporal sulcus parallels parameter inducing the percept of animacy
J Schultz, KJ Friston, J O’Doherty, DM Wolpert, CD Frith
Neuron 45 (4), 625-635, 2005
Activation of the human superior temporal gyrus during observation of goal attribution by intentional objects
J Schultz, H Imamizu, M Kawato, CD Frith
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 16 (10), 1695-1705, 2004
Natural facial motion enhances cortical responses to faces
J Schultz, KS Pilz
Experimental brain research 194, 465-475, 2009
Use and usefulness of dynamic face stimuli for face perception studies—A review of behavioral findings and methodology
K Dobs, I Bülthoff, J Schultz
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1355, 2018
Association of childhood maltreatment with interpersonal distance and social touch preferences in adulthood
A Maier, C Gieling, L Heinen-Ludwig, V Stefan, J Schultz, O Güntürkün, ...
American journal of psychiatry 177 (1), 37-46, 2020
Abstract representations of associated emotions in the human brain
J Kim, J Schultz, T Rohe, C Wallraven, SW Lee, HH Bülthoff
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (14), 5655-5663, 2015
The neural mechanisms of reliability weighted integration of shape information from vision and touch
HB Helbig, MO Ernst, E Ricciardi, P Pietrini, A Thielscher, KM Mayer, ...
Neuroimage 60 (2), 1063-1072, 2012
Face perception and test reliabilities in congenital prosopagnosia in seven tests
J Esins, J Schultz, C Stemper, I Kennerknecht, I Bülthoff
i-Perception 7 (1), 2041669515625797, 2016
Quantifying human sensitivity to spatio-temporal information in dynamic faces
K Dobs, I Bülthoff, M Breidt, QC Vuong, C Curio, J Schultz
Vision Research 100, 78-87, 2014
What the human brain likes about facial motion
J Schultz, M Brockhaus, HH Bülthoff, KS Pilz
Cerebral cortex 23 (5), 1167-1178, 2013
Parametric animacy percept evoked by a single moving dot mimicking natural stimuli
J Schultz, HH Bülthoff
Journal of vision 13 (4), 15-15, 2013
Identity information content depends on the type of facial movement
K Dobs, I Bülthoff, J Schultz
Scientific reports 6 (1), 34301, 2016
Do congenital prosopagnosia and the other-race effect affect the same face recognition mechanisms?
J Esins, J Schultz, C Wallraven, I Bülthoff
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8, 759, 2014
Task-dependent enhancement of facial expression and identity representations in human cortex
K Dobs, J Schultz, I Bülthoff, JL Gardner
NeuroImage 172, 689-702, 2018
The sense of agency is more sensitive to manipulations of outcome than movement-related feedback irrespective of sensory modality
N David, S Skoruppa, A Gulberti, J Schultz, AK Engel
PLoS One 11 (8), e0161156, 2016
Oxytocin drives prosocial biases in favor of attractive people
R Hurlemann, D Scheele, W Maier, J Schultz
Behavioral and brain sciences 40, e30, 2017
Common and dissociable effects of oxytocin and lorazepam on the neurocircuitry of fear
AK Kreuder, D Scheele, J Schultz, J Hennig, N Marsh, T Dellert, U Ettinger, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (21), 11781-11787, 2020
fMRI adaptation between action observation and action execution reveals cortical areas with mirror neuron properties in human BA 44/45
S de la Rosa, FL Schillinger, HH Bülthoff, J Schultz, K Uludag
Frontiers in human neuroscience 10, 78, 2016
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Articles 1–20