Patrick Oladimeji
Patrick Oladimeji
ThoughtWorks - previously @Doctify, @FITLab
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Cited by
Number entry interfaces and their effects on error detection
P Oladimeji, H Thimbleby, A Cox
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2011: 13th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2011
PVSio-web 2.0: Joining PVS to HCI
P Masci, P Oladimeji, Y Zhang, P Jones, P Curzon, H Thimbleby
Computer Aided Verification: 27th International Conference, CAV 2015, San …, 2015
The benefits of formalising design guidelines: A case study on the predictability of drug infusion pumps
P Masci, R Rukšėnas, P Oladimeji, A Cauchi, A Gimblett, Y Li, P Curzon, ...
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering 11, 73-93, 2015
PVSio-web: a tool for rapid prototyping device user interfaces in PVS
P Oladimeji, P Masci, P Curzon, H Thimbleby
Electronic Communications of the EASST 69, 2014
Human computer interaction and medical devices
C Acharya, H Thimbleby, P Oladimeji
Proceedings of HCI 2010, 2010
On formalising interactive number entry on infusion pumps
P Masci, R Ruksenas, P Oladimeji, A Cauchi, A Gimblett, Y Li, P Curzon, ...
Electronic Communications of the EASST 45, 2011
A performance review of number entry interfaces
P Oladimeji, H Thimbleby, AL Cox
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2013: 14th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2013
Unreliable numbers: error and harm induced by bad design can be reduced by better design
H Thimbleby, P Oladimeji, P Cairns
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 12 (110), 20150685, 2015
Combining PVSio with stateflow
P Masci, Y Zhang, P Jones, P Oladimeji, E D’Urso, C Bernardeschi, ...
NASA Formal Methods: 6th International Symposium, NFM 2014, Houston, TX, USA …, 2014
Using PVSio-web to demonstrate software issues in medical user interfaces
P Masci, P Oladimeji, P Curzon, H Thimbleby
Software Engineering in Health Care: 4th International Symposium, FHIES 2014 …, 2017
Design of interactive medical devices: Feedback and its improvement
Y Li, P Oladimeji, C Monroy, A Cauchi, H Thimbleby, D Furniss, C Vincent, ...
2011 IEEE international symposium on IT in medicine and education 2, 204-208, 2011
Levels of testing
P Oladimeji, M Roggenbach, H Schlingloff
Advance Topics in Computer Science, 2007
Social network analysis and interactive device design analysis
H Thimbleby, P Oladimeji
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive …, 2009
Using medical device logs for improving medical device design
A Cauchi, H Thimbleby, P Oladimeji, M Harrison
2013 IEEE international conference on healthcare informatics, 56-65, 2013
Towards safer number entry in interactive medical systems
P Oladimeji
Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive …, 2012
Comparing Actual Practice and User Manuals: A Case Study Based on Programmable Infusion Pumps.
A Blandford, A Cauchi, P Curzon, P Eslambolchilar, D Furniss, A Gimblett, ...
EICS4Med, 59-64, 2011
Human-computer interaction and the formal certification and assurance of medical devices: the CHI+ MED project
P Curzon, P Masci, P Oladimeji, R Rukšenas, H Thimbleby, E D’Urso
2nd Workshop on verification and assurance (Verisure2014), in association …, 2014
Triangulating empirical and analytic techniques for improving number entry user interfaces
A Cauchi, P Oladimeji, G Niezen, H Thimbleby
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive …, 2014
Exploring unlikely errors using video games: An example in number entry research
P Oladimeji, H Thimbleby, P Curzon, I Iacovides, A Cox
Towards Dependable Number Entry for Medical Devices.
A Cauchi, P Curzon, P Eslambolchilar, A Gimblett, H Huang, P Lee, Y Li, ...
EICS4Med, 53-58, 2011
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Articles 1–20