Sofiene Jerbi
Sofiene Jerbi
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Tensorflow Quantum: A software framework for quantum machine learning
M Broughton, G Verdon, T McCourt, AJ Martinez, JH Yoo, SV Isakov, ...
arXiv:2003.02989, 2020
Quantum machine learning beyond kernel methods
S Jerbi, LJ Fiderer, H Poulsen Nautrup, JM Kübler, HJ Briegel, V Dunjko
Nature Communications 14 (1), 1-8, 2023
Quantum agents in the gym: a variational quantum algorithm for deep q-learning
A Skolik, S Jerbi, V Dunjko
Quantum 6, 720, 2022
Parametrized Quantum Policies for Reinforcement Learning
S Jerbi, C Gyurik, SC Marshall, HJ Briegel, V Dunjko
NeurIPS 2021, 2021
Quantum enhancements for deep reinforcement learning in large spaces
S Jerbi, LM Trenkwalder, H Poulsen Nautrup, HJ Briegel, V Dunjko
PRX Quantum 2 (1), 010328, 2021
Photonic architecture for reinforcement learning
F Flamini, A Hamann, S Jerbi, LM Trenkwalder, HP Nautrup, HJ Briegel
New Journal of Physics 22 (4), 045002, 2020
Shadows of quantum machine learning
S Jerbi, C Gyurik, SC Marshall, R Molteni, V Dunjko
Nature Communications 15 (1), 5676, 2024
Operationally meaningful representations of physical systems in neural networks
HP Nautrup, T Metger, R Iten, S Jerbi, LM Trenkwalder, H Wilming, ...
Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 2022
Near-optimal Quantum algorithms for multivariate mean estimation
A Cornelissen, Y Hamoudi, S Jerbi
STOC 2022, 33-43, 2022
Reinforcement Learning Assisted Recursive QAOA
YJ Patel, S Jerbi, T Bäck, V Dunjko
EPJ Quantum Technology 11 (1), 6, 2024
The power and limitations of learning quantum dynamics incoherently
S Jerbi, J Gibbs, MS Rudolph, MC Caro, PJ Coles, HY Huang, Z Holmes
arXiv:2303.12834, 2023
Potential and limitations of random Fourier features for dequantizing quantum machine learning
R Sweke, E Recio, S Jerbi, E Gil-Fuster, B Fuller, J Eisert, JJ Meyer
arXiv:2309.11647, 2023
Quantum policy gradient algorithms
S Jerbi, A Cornelissen, M Ozols, V Dunjko
TQC 2023, 2023
Quantum algorithms for multivariate Monte Carlo estimation
A Cornelissen, S Jerbi
arXiv:2107.03410, 2021
Variational measurement-based quantum computation for generative modeling
A Majumder, M Krumm, T Radkohl, HP Nautrup, S Jerbi, HJ Briegel
arXiv:2310.13524, 2023
Efficient distributed inner product estimation via Pauli sampling
M Hinsche, M Ioannou, S Jerbi, L Leone, J Eisert, J Carrasco
arXiv:2405.06544, 2024
Hybrid discrete-continuous compilation of trapped-ion quantum circuits with deep reinforcement learning
F Preti, M Schilling, S Jerbi, LM Trenkwalder, HP Nautrup, F Motzoi, ...
Quantum 8, 1343, 2024
An unconditional distribution learning advantage with shallow quantum circuits
N Pirnay, S Jerbi, JP Seifert, J Eisert
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.15548, 2024
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